answer each question individually based on the readings with examples
some questions I have gave an answer but I don’t mind that you change but there are some stuff that cannot be changed such as me wanting to be an ambassador and reflecting this paper on being an ambassador in the future.
first section: Acceptance
1- Tell us “what” this concept of acceptance means to you
Every person has a different definition for acceptance. In my opinion acceptance is the ability to accept what in present and adapt to it instead of thinking that this is the end of the road. For example, you have planned to give a presentation in a certain day and time and you have manneged your time to fit accordingly. On the day of the presentation, you have been told that you need to give your speach 4 hours before what you have planned on. In this situation, people might act differently. some people will panic and make stuff difficult on themselves. The other type of people are who stop, take a breath and adapt to the situation so that they can clear their minds from negative notions. People who stop, take a breath and adapt tend to be more productive than the ones who panic.
2- Indicate “SO WHAT” does this concept of acceptance mean to leadership and your perspective on leadership.
An old proverb once said, “Winds do not blow as the vessels wish” in other words, people plan and wish for stuff but not always get what they desire. This concept of acceptance is essential to leadership. A leader without acceptance is not a great leader because he cannot adapt to the changing nature of life. People plan for events and activities but seldom they have a plan B. Not having an alternative plan might lead a person to panic. A good leader should always be the one who encourages his followers. So that, leaders with high levels of acceptance are stronger and have a higher ability to guide people to their goals and desires.
3- Explain how understanding of this concept reshape or reaffirm your future leadership?
There is an old saying states that “The contentment is a sustainable treasure” in other words, serenity is valuable for every leader. In order for leaders to be able to guide other people they need to know themselves first. Acceptance helps me greatly to be an ambassador for my country. As a future ambassador, I would have agendas to plan my week for example. However, when I face a sudden change in plans acceptance should allow me to be more comprehensive about the situation and would easily adapt to it and do my best in accomplishing the task.
second section: Empathy
Correctly create the in document citation for empathy.
Document your quote from the Greenleaf text for Empathy.
Tell us “what” this concept means to you in your own words.
In your own words, explain “So What” does this concept mean to you and your leadership.
With the understanding of this concept, how does this shape, change or reaffirm your future leadership behaviors.
third section: Foresight
Correctly create an “in document” citation for your Foresight quote.
Pull your quote from the text regarding Foresight
What does Foresight mean to you in your own words.
Explain why foresight is important in leadership.
Given what you now understand from the Greeenleaf text regarding Foresight, explain how will you incorporate this concept into your own leadership style.