arts history questions


A portion of your class participation grade, which is worth 20% of your semester average, will be based on your contribution to threaded class discussions. Each comment you post must be on a different topic. Check the syllabus for the required number of posts per Unit. To achieve full credit, write in complete sentences, use correct spelling (your composition window contains a spell check function), and use words like “because” and “for example” as you provide clear reasoning and specific textual support in expressing your point of view. Relate your ideas or opinions to artworks you have studied. Some students add links to related sites or images that they think are relevant. If you reference an outside source be sure to cite it correctly (do not plagiarize). Treat the discussion as if we were all in the classroom together. This means you need to read what other students have already posted so that your comments add to the dialog and do not just reiterate what has already been said. Just as you could not add to a conversation that has already taken place, it is not possible to add to threaded discussion after the due date.

1) choose between those two topics.

Hitler and art
Why do you think Hitler placed such great importance on condemning modern art and promoting figurative painting? Do you think today’s leaders are as aware of the power of fine art?


Art and politics
Several of the movements discussed in this unit had clear political motives. Discuss the goals of an artist who you think has a political agenda and mention how effective he or she was at achieving that end.


Duchamp’s Fountain
One issue that is often raised in the classroom is the question of what makes Duchamp’s Fountain art. The same question could be raised for Malevich’s White Square on White. Students complain that there’s not craftsmanship in it and that they could make it themselves. Part of its importance is the challenge it posed to our definition of art in 1917. Remember this was created 90 years ago–you couldn’t get away with the same work today. My challenge to you is to come up with a concept for an artwork that would be equally innovative. Present us with an idea that would force us to think or perceive something in a new way that has never been done before.


Dada Poem

In the Dada lecture you heard an audio recording of Hugo Ball’s tonal poem. What is the point of this and what does it tell us about the ideas of this movement?

pls follow the instructions.

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