Assignment 2: The Structure Of Statements: Translating If And And Statements

Assignment 2: The Structure of Statements: Translating If and AndStatements

This exercise will help you become more proficient at recognizing, translating, and evaluating if and and statements. In this assignment, find two examples for the exercise; translate the claims of the example into symbolic form; identify an if or an and statement; then assess it.

Note: Translation and assessment are tools we use to categorize statements. Therefore, you will not be penalized if, through translation and assessment, you learn a statement that appeared to be an ifor an and statement is a statement of another type.

The completed assignment must contain the original claims, your translation of the claims into logical form, and your assessment of the statement in logical form. The original examples should be three to five sentences in length.

Your assessment should include answers to the following questions:

  • Is the set of claims an argument?
  • Is the original claim (when translated) an if . . . then or and statement?
  • Did the translation of the original claims reveal the statement was a different kind of statement than you originally believed?

Remember, you will also need to provide a translation key to explain the symbo

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