Clostridium Difficle Discussion
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The topic that one has selected for my executive summary assignment is (Clostridium Difficle) infections. One will present, how to eliminate the spread of clostridium difficle in an acute care setting with the use of diluted chlorine bleach wipes or solutions. I would like to encourage my facility to begin placing chlorine bleach wipes or solution on each unit. It would even be beneficial to place them in every room. The shelf-life of each container of bleach wipes are thirty days, if used each shift to clean and sanitize patient rooms the container of wipes will reach expiration dates. In the United States, nearly half a million people per year fall ill from CDiff infection (CDC, 2018). In recent years these infections are becoming more severe and frequent making them difficult to treat. All rooms should be deep cleaned when a patient is moved out of the room in preparation for the next patient (MacLeod, 2010). The adoption of an all surface terminal bleach cleaning program in patient rooms with CDiff has made a sustained, significant impact on reducing the rate of CDiff in the health care system (MacLeod & Sadowski, 2010). Hand sanitizers are available in every room and throughout the hospital. However, alcohol-based hand rubs are not effective to eliminating the CDiff spores (CDC, 2018). The recommended time to wash your hands is 20-30 seconds (CDC,2018).
CDC, Centers for Disease and Prevention, 2018. Facts on Clostridium Difficle. Retrieved from
MacLeod, N & Sadowski, C.(2010). Efficancy of Cleaning Products for Clostridium Difficle. Glover, Pharm. Retrieved from