Create Powerpoint Analyze Mixed Methods Research

For this assignment, develop both practical and research recommendations for future study and application involving a topic of interest, from the the attached mixed methods paper. From your knowledge of this topic, create a PowerPoint capturing the following:

  • Provide a minimum of three recommendations for practice you have identified about the topic.
  • Provide a minimum of three recommendations for future research (qualitative and quantitative) needing to be conducted to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Length: 8-10 slide PowerPoint.

References: Support your work with 5 scholarly resources for each type of research.

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Lackey EDR-8203

Week 7

North Central

Below is the Analyze Mixed Methods Research Paper:

Research problem and purpose of the research

The three mixed method research articles on School Administration have various issues, and problems arising in them and they need to be addressed. The issues arising need to be addressed to ensure that the schools are run in the most efficient and effective ways (Creswell and John, 2002). School administrations are tasked with ensuring that the learning process is running smoothly for the students and that the welfare of the staff members is well catered for.

Firstly, the mixed methodology research on school administration is the capturing the complexity of the teaching profession. It is important to note that mixed research method is acknowledged as a model used in the research of both the behavioral and social sciences. The method uses qualitative and quantitative methods as research design components. Thus the research, in this case, is centered on the research designs thus strengthening the research movements. This method has its share of challenges and strengths in educational research.

In this particular research, their issues that arise as a challenge about educational complexities include a controversy on the definition of education about research matters. The question that arises is whether education is a natural phenomenon that reveals itself in the same way to all the students in all schools and educational systems. On defining education as a natural phenomenon then the learning and teaching process becomes the linear phenomena. On the other hand, teaching practices, educational policies, and teachers behavior become the learning effected and causes. This prompts one to engage qualitative research methods in assessing the individual components of the various institutions and effects of various components such as how a mathematics teacher affects the learning of students (Creswell and John, 2002).

Secondly, issues on the educational research capture the complexity of the phenomena education on the paradigm war on which is superior between research model and the importance of qualitative research in education matters. The research can be made to define the importance of measuring educational phenomena and determine the worth of programs used in education (Kothari and Chakravanti, 2004).

Lastly, there is the issue that intends to determine the utility and quality of educational research solve the issues on generating the educational policies and public education problems.This can be solved by using science to come up with evidence on educational practices. Qualitative and quantitative researchers are considered in researches related to educational programs as the capture various complexities associated with this field (Kothari and Chakravanti, 2004).

Research questions

The research questions on are the foundations for this research. The questions are meant to decompose the issue into manageable units that are to be determined. Both the qualitative and quantitative questions are used to reveal the issues related to the complexity of the teaching profession questions (Storberg and Julia, 2003).The question in such researchers is designed to answer the question of where, what, when and how. Such questions are recommended as they are easier to answer. For instance, one can ask “What is the social issue that teachers are concerned about their children?

On should write questions that relate to the approach they tend to use. One should use for both the qualitative and quantitative component. This gives specificity to the research all issues are captured in detail. Questions should look at how teachers feel about their profession, what parents think about the teaching profession and what various stakeholders think should be done to make the teaching profession much flexible.

Consequently, the questions should be used to guide the entire study. The question should seek to answer all the research questions. The qualitative and quantitative questions should generate data to answer the research questions (Storberg and Julia, 2003).The research should analyze the performance of the of the students as the complexity of teaching profession is varied.

Qualitative and quantitative designs

Design in research entails a research plan that gives guidance to the researcher on how the will go on with the research process. Mixed research designs integrate qualitative and quantitative in the research. Various designs are used such as the explanatory design using the sequential phases. This design explores the research problem especially when there is limited information on the problem. The design will use the qualitative research approach evaluate the participant’s experience regarding the values, culture, and structure of the school. Armed with this information one designs quantitative research to know the degree of the issue. In our research, we may look at the things that issue affecting the profession complexity and the magnitude to which the learning process. Armed with this information the researcher designs a questionnaire that concentrates on specific issues to that have been noted. This helps the researcher to understand specific issues such needs, preferences and needs to address the profession complexities (Neuman and Lawrence, 2013).

Consequently, a researcher can use convergence design employing parallel phases. This method study’s a research problem in its dimension and entirety by measuring objective aspects and properties related to the problem (Neuman and Lawrence, 2013).This design understands various aspects of an issue. In the research, the quantitative approach measures problems objective aspects while the qualitative aspects of the approach look at the subjective aspects of the problem. The two approaches are integrated to explain the problem studied. This method can be used to relate the professional complexity and students’ satisfaction.

Sample/participants and the related population

Various participants will be involved in this research to help in identifying and addressing the problem related to profession complexity. The participants will provide invaluable information on the research. The participants, in this case, will include the selected students, parent’s teachers and other members of staff in the institution. This participant will help identify the complexity that comes with the teaching profession. This will be based on the answers they give to various research questions. The questionnaire will be modeled about their contribution to the teaching profession. On the other hand, the related populations, in this case, are all the students in the institution. Their performance which is the will be used as the effects to evaluate the profession complexity.

Collection of both the qualitative and quantitative data

Collection of data is a crucial phase in developing of mixed research. Data, in this case, is collected in adherence the research model and design used. This ensures that the approach is strengthened and the mixed study is valid. Data collection begins with identifying the problem which consists of the phenomena, situations, and processes that are the focus of the study. Later one writes the questions to be asked in evaluating the problem at hand. The questions will come in the form of qualitative and quantitative questions. Consequently, the researcher goes on and selects the research design about the qualitative and quantitative research. The research design is connected to the research question and the problem. Furthermore, one should identify a study title which reflects research design, research topic, and the study population. Moreover, the researcher should select a sample. There is the primary sampling that entails choosing a sample of parameters of the qualitative and quantitative research. Then there is the alternate sampling where the researcher can deviate from the research plan due to contradicting research data and methodological gaps. Deviation helps one to come up with a questionnaire to cater for all and other issues. Also, one develops research techniques and tools for the research. This helps one in getting the right data for the research. Lastly, in collecting data, one should approach the relevant authorities to conduct the study to fulfil the requirements of the school and follow the right procedures and channels (Bryman and Alan, 2006).

Ethical treatment of human subjects in the research

Ethical guidelines must be observed while treating a human subject in research so that they can appreciate the whole process. To begin with, we followed informed consent regulations in handling the research participant. This ensures that our participants freely and voluntarily participated in the process knowing the benefits and risks that come along with it. Consequently, consequently, we ensured that we observe high levels of privacy and confidentiality. This makes the participant be felt free as they participate in t research (Cooper, Donald, and Pamela, 2006).

Analyzing qualitative and quantitative data

Analyzing data entails extracting implicit and explicit and meaningful information from the study. This involves three processes of encoding, describing and understanding information. In our case, we analyzed data by triangulation of data by evaluating how qualitative and quantitative data validated each other. Consequently, we complemented data to ensure that both qualitative and quantitative data support each other. Furthermore, we performed the deepening of data where we used both data to come up with arguments that cannot be refuted thus finding the facts to a research problem (Driscoll and David, 2007).

Strengths and weaknesses of mixed research method

Mixed research method has both weaknesses and strengths. Firstly, the strengths that make the method a preferred option for many researchers. The method focuses on data and information from the participants thus getting first-hand information. Consequently, this method studies an issue in depth. Moreover, it is one of the best methods for describing a complex phenomenon. Lastly, it is an efficient method for performing cross-case analysis and assessments (Johnson and Burke, 2004).

On the other hand, the method has some weaknesses. Firstly, the method produces very generalized findings. Consequently, it is hard to make a qualitative prediction when using this method since it uses large pools of participants. Lastly, this method is more time consuming when collecting data (Johnson and Burke, 2004).


Bryman, A. (2006). Integrating quantitative and qualitative research: how is it done?. Qualitativeresearch, 6(1), 97-113.

Cooper, D. R., Schindler, P. S., & Sun, J. (2006). Business research methods (Vol. 9). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative (pp. 146-166). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Driscoll, D. L., Appiah-Yeboah, A., Salib, P., & Rupert, D. J. (2007). Merging qualitative and quantitative data in mixed methods research: How to and why not. Ecological and Environmental Anthropology (University of Georgia), 18.

Johnson, R. B., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational Researcher, 33(7), 14-26.

Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and techniques. New Age International.

Neuman, W. L. (2013). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson education.

Storberg-Walker, J. (2003). Comparison of the Dubin, Lynham, and Van de Ven theory-building research methods and implications for HRD. Human Resource Development Review, 2(2), 211-222.

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