CTU Software Engineering Processes & Methodologies

In the final week, you have met with the customer and provided a real description of the software requirements engineering process from inception through validation, described functional and nonfunctional requirements, and described how you would perform requirements management and engineering, analysis, and development. Use case diagrams have been produced to define the SRSs developed with customer feedback. Customers desire verification and validation of the requirements, traceability and test documentation, therefore, this process was revealed in detail in the previous assignment. Now, it will be your task in this assignment, Appendix A, to do the following:

  • Prove the effectiveness of the agile methods used to development the requirements, documentation, and software by describing the agile approach or activities used for the development
  • Describe the methodology (practices, tools) and techniques (developing use cases) used to develop your final Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

This Appendix A should be added to your final SRS document delivered in Unit 5.

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