current news in the marketing world

Reading a current marketing news article will help you become aware of trends occurring in this industry. Write 250-500 words on CURRENT news in the MARKETING world.

Pick a relevant article and topic, and tell my WHY it is relevant or important in Marketing today.

Examples: tell me what kind of impact it has; tell me the significance of a new trend in marketing; tell me how a current marketing campaign blew you away; describe the impact of a well-planned out marketing campaign; tell me about the surprising results of a successful marketing campaign, or tell me why a certain marketing campaign totally failed.

Choose an article from one of the following sites, or one of the following articles from this list:

**Please keep it current, not historical. Make sure it is about Marketing, and not any other topic.

Essentials of Marketing, 15thEdition (Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2017), William D. Perreault, Jr., Joseph P. Cannon, E. Jerome McCarthy, (ISBN 9781259573538).

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