Deliverable 4 – Code Of Ethics Intake Packet

The CEO and the Board of Directors has tasked you with developing an intake packet for new patients that will reestablish patient trust in the facility, employees, and staff. The patient packet will address new patient concerns by including information about HIPAA, informed consent, a confidential health history report, and a living will. The new packet will also include the values of the organization and a code of ethics.

Your intake packet will start with the Hospital’s Code of Ethics that includes at least 10 ethical points. The code of ethics should include (at a minimum):

  • Patient relations
  • Physician activities
  • Billing for services
  • Political activities
  • Conflict of interest
  • Communication, including social media
  • Privacy

The Code of Ethics should be submitted in bullet format in a Word document with an introduction. APA formatting for the ethical points and proper grammar is required.

Upon completion of your code of ethics, please prepare a PowerPoint presentation  in which you explain each ethical point and its relevance in the healthcare industry with examples to the CEO, so that she can answer questions from the Board.

  1. The PowerPoint should have a minimum of 5 slides and a maximum of 12.
  2. Describe each ethical point in the Code of Ethics.
  3. Use the notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points.
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