ENG 112 NVCC Military Women in Combat Critical Thinking Assingment

First read the article

Military Women in Combat: why Making It official Matters. By Jena McGregor link below


or if you have the book its on page 39-41

Answer Questions 4 and 5. Each answer should be at least 4 sentences.

4, Here is a second argument against sending women into direct combat: Speaking generally, women do not have the upper- body strength that men have, and a female solider (again, speaking generally, not about a particular individual) would thus be less able to pull a wounded companion out of a burning tank or off a battle- field. to put the matter differently: Male soldiers might feel that they couldn’t count on their female comrades in a time of need. what is your reply?

5, In her final paragraph, McGregor suggests that if the armed force were to change their policy and not required battlefield experience for the very highest job, the military would achieve diversity at the top and women would have an opportunity for top pay. what are your thoughts? For instance, is the idea that the top officers should have experienced hand to hand combat out of date, romantic, hopelessly macho, or irrelevent to modern warfare? Explain.

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