environmental engineering, English homework help

1-Write an official 1-page office memo to your instructor that provides definitions for: (a)Sustainable Development (by the Bruntland Commission), (b) Sustainability (according to the American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE) Body of Knowledge), (c)Sustainability (according to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Body of Knowledge), and, (d) Sustainable Development (according to the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics)

2-Write your own definition of sustainable development as it applies to your engineering profession. Explain its appropriateness and applicability in 2-3 sentences.

3-Identify three definitions of sustainability from three sources (for example, local, state or federal government; industry; environmental organization; international organization; financial or investment organization). Compare and contrast those definitions with the Brundtland Commission definition. How do the definitions reflect their sources?

4-Relate the “Tragedy of the Commons” to a local environmental issue. Be specific on what

you mean in terms of the

“commons” for this particular example, and carefully explain how these “commons” are being damaged for current and future generations.

5- Visit EPA’s Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award website at

www.epa.gov/greenchemistry/pubs/pgcc/past.html. Select a past award-winning project. Basedon the description of this project, what are the environmental, economic and social benefits ofthis green chemistry advance?Solution:Student responses will vary. An example of an award-winning project of the Green Chemistry

Challenge Award is for Buckman’s Maximyze Enzymes. These enzymes are made of natural

catalysts that reduce the energy and wood fiber needed to manufacture high-quality paper. In onecase, paper was able to be reduced by 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet which not only reduces the amount of raw pulp materials but also lowers shipping and energy costs. With increased paper strength, more recycled fibers can be used in the paper which is beneficial to the environment and reduces costs. Overall, this new enzyme translates into a social benefit with less deforestation and a cleaner environment for a healthier society. For more information on this specific green chemistry challenge award winning project, see the link below:http://www.buckman.com/about-us/news/562-buckman-wins-presidential-green-chemistry-challenge-award

6-Provide an example of a product either commercially available or currently under development that uses biomimicry as the basis for its design. Explain how the design is mimicking a product, process, or system found in nature.

7- Choose three of the principles of green engineering. For each one, (a) explain the principle in your own words; (b) find an example (commercially available or under development), and explain how it demonstrates the principle; and (c) describe the associated environmental,economic, and societal benefits, identifying which ones are tangible and which ones are intangible.

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