Graphic Design Project, computer science homework help
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts:
- Creating Artistic Effects
- Working with 3-D Images
You will select an image of your choice and complete five tasks from the following tasks. You may submit more than one image files.
Add skewing text to image
Rotating image
Distorting image
Using the content-aware scale feature on the background
Using the puppet wrap tool on an object
Using liquefy filer on an object
Create a 3-D shape and placing a 3-D shape on this image
Using Multiple Images to Create a Photo Collage
Using the Stylize filters
Using masks to tuck in a composite file
You will need to submit both original image files, Photoshop files (.psd), and exported Photoshop files (in pdf or jpeg format) to submission folder along with the following grading criteria. Please fill in the task name from your selections.