how do i go about doing this 1
We would like to track race car drivers and the team that they each belong to. Each driver can belong to only one team, each team can have more than one driver.
For each driver we would like to record the drivers social security number (if they do not have a SS# as unique number will be assigned for this field), last name, first name, date of birth, and country of birth.
For each team we will record the team ID (a unique value will be assigned), the team owner (last name, first, name) the primary corporate sponsor, the annual budget, and the number of team members (not accounting the drivers)
We would like to list the drivers name (last and first) for each team
0) Was the Term Project topic approved Yes or No (minimum 15% deduction, if not approved)
1) (5%) Term Paper Abstract (include the purpose of this “database”, explain one query – you expect the database to be able to process – the query MUST require the use of information from more than one entity)
2) (5%) Who will use, and who will administrator the database.
3) (10%) Explain the design method / approach you followed – refer to design methods in our text.
4) (15%) Describe the initial entities (tables), and attributes (fields). Include an explanation of what a row represents in each table, and for each field: describe what the contents of each field represents, the type of field, and any constraints that you would like to see applied. Identify and describe the field you believe could be the primary key for each entity.
5) (15%) Using the functional notation shown on pages 410-413 Examples 14.2, 14.3, 14.4 and 14.5, include a functional dependency analysis, ensure all fields in the database are included (at least once). Define functional dependency and explain one row of the functional notation using plain English, and fields from your project to demonstrate your understanding. SEE NOTE1
6) (10%) Using the table names, and what a row represents from each table, explain the one-to-many or the many-to-many table relationship(s) included in your design. SEE NOTE3
7) Design (it is possible that the same table or set of tables are in 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF; or 2NF and 3NF – in which case you need to repeat the tables for each normal form and explain why they meet that definition)
a) (10%) Using table notation – submit a complete set of 1NF tables (this may be one or more tables), include the first normal form definition from the Connolly text, or the Terms and Techniques Forum as a basis to explain why the tables are in 1NF. Additionally, include a plain English explanation – using fields in your tables – to explain this in your own words. You need to demonstrate an understanding of the definition, and how it applies to your project. Once your tables are in first normal form proceed to the next step. SEE NOTE2 below:
b) (10%) Using table notation – submit a complete set of 2NF tables, include the second normal form definition from the Connolly text, or the Terms and Techniques Forum as a basis to explain why the tables are in 2NF. Additionally, include a plain English explanation – using fields in your tables – to explain this in your own words. You need to demonstrate an understanding of the definition, and how it applies to your project.
c) (10%) Using table notation – submit a complete set of 3NF tables, include the third normal form definition from the Connolly text, or the Terms and Techniques Forum as a basis to explain why the tables are in 3NF. Additionally, include a plain English explanation – using fields in your tables – to explain this in your own words.
8) (10%) writing style, organization of submission, clarity, APA usage