Howard Schultz A Successful Person Who Worked Hard Out Of Poverty


The purpose of this assignment is to identify famous people who would qualify as “famous failures”. That is, these individuals (now deemed famous AND successful), faced such hardship, rejection, pain, and/or doubt early in life… yet they OVERCAME their adversity – with tenacity, grit, fervor, and pure determination. They said YES, when others said NO; they showed up, when others backed down; they worked on their goals before anyone woke up and after everyone went to sleep; they had big audacious dreams; not little ones. They tried and tried and tried again. Their growth mindset was their biggest asset.

Search online for a “famous failure”

1) Name the person and give a bit of background (where they grew up, qualities and traits, interests, etc.).
2) What was their adversity/challenge/failure (e.g., Michael Jordan was constantly told growing up that he was too short/not good enough for basketball) AND how did they cope with this setback?
3) What are they famously known for now?
4) How would you describe their growth mindset qualities/traits/characteristics (e.g., Mia Hamm, one of the greatest female soccer players of all times, used to practice with older, bigger, more skilled, more experienced soccer players. In short, they were MUCH better than her, but that was her strategy to get to her greatness).
5) What did you learn from your famous failure? Any “ah ha” moments?
6) Find a quote to that sums up a growth mindset.

Be prepared to share in our discussion!

Hand in at the end of class on 3-27-19
Write your name, student ID, the date on the top right hand corner of the page
Answer all 5 questions in sentence format (no bullet points)
*No emailed copies
10 points goes towards your participation grade

Have fun!

(Leave a little space for me on the top right hand corner so I can write my name, student ID and date. Also, no bullet points, it has to be full sentences. Every question should be answered with good grammar. ALL six must be answered.)

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