In A 500 Word Paper Critically Analyze One Of The Following Topics. For Full Credit Your Analysis Must Be In Your Own Words. Do Not Copy Or Paraphrase Information.

1. What are some of the more common projective tests and how are they used?


2. A man shows up at the emergency room at a hospital. You are called to consult on this case. The man does not know his name. He is unable to identify what city he lives in, and is not sure how he got to the hospital. What tests and assessments would you administer?


3. What are the most common forms of intelligence tests? How are they used and what do they measure?

4. The most widely used personality inventory is the MMPI. Describe the features on this test and what does the test measure? Are there any cultural biases on this inventory?

5. Carla reports feeling very depressed. She has isolated herself from friends and family and has been unable to work. Carla’s family is concerned that she might try to commit suicide. They have approached you for help and advice. What possibles tests and/or assessment methods would you use in your evaluation?

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