it s a easy project management test

Harvard Business School Publishing (HBSP): PM Tutorial

Please click on the link below to start working on this tutorial. If you do not have an account with Harvard Business Publishing, you need to create a new account. Once you create your account and purchase the tutorial, click Run Tutorial on the left hand side of the web page to start the tutorial. To ensure that you are enrolled in the right tutorial, look for your course registration number as shown below. Your course registration number can be found on the top left hand side of your syllabus or in Blackboard.

Tutorial link:
Once you have access to the tutorial, click on the Get Started button to start the tutorial. To receive full credit, you must have read all pages of the tutorial, watched all 4 videos, read all three articles, completed all quizzes, and the post-assessment.

Much like anything else, you will get out of this assignment what you put into it. This assignment is due on or before the end of the SIXTH week of the class. There will be no extensions for this assignment. Please pace yourself. I will be monitoring your progress.

Note: This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Each student must have his or her own account and complete the tutorial without help.

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