Mock-up Design in Adobe Illustrator
Please don’t accept this if you can’t meet the requirements. Thanks
Your task is to create a single web page or tablet mock-up using adobe illustrator. Each technique using correctly is worth three points; your total score for this is thirty-three points. Please create this in adoble illustrator as you will need to submit .pdf and .ai files.
Mock-ups typically depict the pages’ design layout, technical components, themes and color, graphic images, and other media elements. Your mock-up should look like a “blueprint” that you and your other team members would follow when designing the site. Although web page sizes vary depending upon the device on which they are viewed, for this assignment please create an Illustrator artboard sized at 15″W X 10″H (1440px X 960px) for your submission.
- Design a logo to use on the mock-up (I’ve already attached the logo here: so you don’t need to create a new logo – just use the one I attached.)
- Draw your own images and icons to use on the mock-up
- Fill text into an object
- Use Gradient Meshes
- Use symbolism tools (dynamic symbols)
- Design a repeating pattern
- Apply effects to objects
- Use Opacity Mask
- Creating 3D Object(s)
- Free design
Submit .pdf and .ai files.