music app quiz 33333

1. A _______ is the range in which the music is presented. A. hemiola B. head C. sequence D. register 2. Which composer believed that music is all too often treated as a “narcotic,” something that dulls the senses rather than arouses them? A. Arnold Schoenberg B. Ruth Crawford C. Charles Ives D. Duke Ellington 3. In a mega-orchestra, the _______ often provide the harmonies of the inner voices between high and low. A. cellos B. second violins C. violas D. first violins 4. The angular, dissonant, and challenging melodies that are the core of bebop are called A. leads. B. souls. C. hearts. D. heads. 5. Ragtime composers often made use of A. counterpoint. B. serialism. C. inversion. D. syncopation. 6. Which of the following is a brass instrument? A. English horn B. Flute C. Piccolo D. French horn 7. The Rite of Spring was composed by A. Arnold Schoenberg. B. Igor Stravinsky. C. Heitor Villa-Lobos. D. Alban Berg. 8. Which work should be considered as a piece that travels through the dimension of space, starting low, moving upward, and returning back to where it started? A. Piano Study in Mixed Accents B. “Ornithology” C. Rite of Spring D. “Cotton Tail” 9. Which composer refused to play facing the audience to avoid other musicians figuring out his signatures motives and styles? A. Scott Joplin B. Charlie Parker C. Duke Ellington D. Robert Johnson 10. Which of the following is a woodwind instrument? A. Clarinet B. Tuba C. Trombone D. Trumpet 11. Debussy’s Voiles was inspired by a Javanese instrument ensemble called a A. quartet. B. wave. C. gamelan. D. gong. 12. Jody says that atonal harmony establishes a harmonic center of gravity. Sean says that tonal harmony doesn’t have a harmonic center of gravity. Who is correct? A. Both Jody and Sean are correct. B. Only Jody is correct. C. Only Sean is correct. D. Neither Jody nor Sean is correct. 13. Which of the following composers sought to obtain a nonpercussive sound from the piano in his compositions? A. Charles Ives B. Charlie Parker C. Duke Ellington D. Claude Debussy 14. _______ is a complex type of syncopation in which patterns of twos occur at the same time as patterns of threes. A. Waza B. Arpeggio C. Motif D. Hemiola 15. Standard Song Form for popular hits of the 1920s and 1930s was A. AABB. B. AABA. C. ABBA. D. ABA. 16. For some audiences, musical change in the twentieth century was a bit too A. slow-paced. B. novel. C. fast-paced. D. modern. 17. _______ was recognized as a musical pioneer who challenged convention and went against the grain. A. Charles Ives B. Igor Stravinsky C. Scott Joplin D. Duke Ellington 18. In The Unanswered Question, the strings are played A. in unresolved and virtuosic dissonance. B. as if they’re playing a slow hymn quietly with an even tempo. C. in constant competition with the brass. D. fast and loud for shock value. 19. Which composer wrote a suite of dances about childhood for piano? A. Igor Stravinsky B. Scott Joplin C. Claude Debussy End of exam D. Charles Ives 20. Modernism, a movement that represented an abolishment of tradition and a quest for novelty, took place when? A. Middle nineteenth century B. Classical period C. Early twentieth century D. Early twenty-first century

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