Nova Boarder Security Coding Content Analysis Variables PPT Research
Now that you have used SPSS to analyze data, how can you code your content analysis variables for analysis using SPSS to print out frequencies and percentages for your variables? What are the possible values for each of your variables? For example, if you are looking at biological sex, the two possible values are male and female. In this discussion you will report how you will provide the numbers and percentages for each category for the variables you are counting in your final research project. Will you be using SPSS or some other method to arrive at the numbers and percentages? Create a PowerPoint to answer these questions.
The grading criteria for this assignment:
1. Clearly state your research question(s).
2. Clearly identify your theory(s).
3. Identify your variables and the values of each. These must be very clear with an ability to easily identify them when the messages are analyzed.
4. State how you will obtain your numbers and percentages for all your variables–SPSS, Excel, or some other method.
Explain your results using VoiceThread (or another video or audio technology) or upload your PowerPoint with VERY DETAILED notes (in the lower section under each slide) to describe your research. Due by the Module 7 due date. Upload your PowerPoint file to the link below. Your presentation should be 3-5 minutes.