PPT and Speaker Notes From Previous Work

Based on the topic and outline from previous units, you will make a formal oral presentation to your instructor and peers. You will be required to present for 10–12 minutes using the Adobe Connect technology within the course area. Specifically, you will create 10–12 PowerPoint slides with your complete script in the notes area (Use Word Document here to format the PPT. Example Side 1 type out what to say to the audience to visual to slides. Slide 2 same as Slide 1 etc.)

The PowerPoint product will be the visual guide for your presentation. Plan for an oral presentation of 10–12 minutes via Adobe Connect with live audio narration and discussion. You will present to your peers as assigned by your instructor, using the discipline-related topic determined by your previous outline. Be sure to select a trending topic in your programmatic discipline or professional or career interest area that incorporates your academic, professional, and personal experiences and strengths. 

The intent of the topic selection is that you identify something in your chosen profession or career that aligns with your personal credibility within the topic selected. Be sure to incorporate an introduction to yourself and express why and how your experience, interests, and skills qualify you to discuss the chosen topic. Your instructor will work with you to find a mutually-agreeable time to meet online. 

Complete the following:

  • Follow your instructor’s guidelines to submit your PowerPoint for use in the Live Chat room.
  • Confirm that you have used the Notes feature for your entire presentation script.
  • Use a microphone for the audio portion.
  • Give the presentation, identifying your peers and instructor as the intended audience.
  • At the conclusion of your live presentation, be prepared to answer questions from audience peers and your instructor for clarification.

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