presentation 180

Øresund Bridge Case Study Analysis.

Øresund Bridge Case Study Analysis

Listen to the YouTube video on the Øresund Bridge – Denmark to Sweden at

You may also look for other credible reference sources to supplement your understanding of the project. Also, read Section 3.6.2 Case 2: Joining Two Countries; the Øresund Bridge in the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook 4th Edition.

Discuss the case study as a team. Next, put together a presentation (to include a video and PowerPoint file) that maps the Øresund Bridge program to each phase of the Kossiakoff life cycle:

Needs Analysis -> Concept Exploration -> Concept Definition -> Advanced Development -> Engineering Design -> Integration and Evaluation -> Production -> Operations and Support

Provide an assessment of each phase of the project. The presentation should cover the highlights of the program in each phase. The main portion of the presented material should be in the form of an assessment of the decisions made during each phase. Consider the decisions that were made during each phase and whether or not you agree with how they were made. Make sure you explain why or why not. Your explanation should be more of an assessment and less of a rehash of the case study. Notice that the phases may not occur sequentially in the actual program. There will be overlap, and iteration, and some phases may be revisited, but present the phases in order of the Kossiakoff life cycle model phases in the presentation.

Use the topics you have learned so far and your own subjective experience to develop the presentation. Tie in concepts learned from the course (discussions, quizzes, lectures, slides, textbook, SE Handbook, team meetings, etc.).

Make sure to add a title page with the team members, assignment title, date, and include your list of references on the final slide. Each team member must present a portion of the presentation. In the Notes section of each slide, please list who presented the slide. The team lead for this assignment should post the final PowerPoint file and video to the Assignment area by the due date.

NOTE: You may use any method to record your presentation video. One method that you may want to consider is creating an .mp4 file using PowerPoint. Each team member can record his/her slide(s) in the PowerPoint file. The file can then be exported as a video. This may be a good methodology for team members who must work together virtually (a good skill to have in your careers).

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