Religion: Freud, Anselm, William James, Spinoza and Leibniz on substance

You can choose ANY FOUR of the following questions to write about. your answers should be well thought out and

contain some details. (2 pages total)

1. Explain how The Future of an Illusion offers two sets of problem-solution discussions. I went over this in class in detail.

2. Explain Freud’s understanding of religion. Do not oversimplify his view.

3. Explain Anselm’s ontological argument and Kant’s refutation of it.

4. Explain the argument from design and Hume’s criticisms of the argument.

5. Compare and contrast Plato’s and Aristotle’s view of Reality. This will involve discussing the Theory of Forms, among other things.

6. Explain William James’ view on believing in God.

7. Compare and contrast the views of Spinoza ad Leibniz on substance.

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