Respond on Audit Committee’s Issues

  • examine the importance of the audit committee oversight related to the quality of the internal controls of an organization. Analyze the audit committee’s responsibilities regarding risk assessment and internal control monitoring. Indicate whether or not the audit committee is the best to perform the function.
  • Contrast the opinion provided by the independent auditor concerning management’s assessment of internal controls over the financial reporting system with the audit opinion on the financial statements in general. Argue for providing both a qualified opinion over the financial reporting system and an unqualified opinion on the financial statements.
  • in 2009, the FASB issued a ruling related to income recognition from multiple element sales involving software to various stakeholder groups. Evaluate the impact of Apple’s retrospective restatement of its financial statements resulting from FASB’s ruling. Provide support for your rationale.
  • examine the influence of both Apple’s reported deferred revenue and the lobbying by Apple executives on FASB’s ruling. Indicate your agreement or disagreement with Apple’s attempt to influence FASB’s ruling.

I need short paragraphs for these discussion questions please.  Nothing profound is needed thank you APA references if needed

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