Response needed
For this assignment respond to the following with 200 words:
Egoism from an ethical view is the view that an action is morally right if it produces more good and fewer bad consequences for me than any other action I could perform in its place. This is basically saying to put your happiness and rights before anyone else’s. The consequences of an outcome should benefit you and only you, even if the outcome isn’t the best for others. For example, when shopping if I only buy things for myself and I am shopping with a friend and they do not have enough money for everything and i choose not to help them pay. Instead I spend all the money I take to shop on myself and let my friend only do some shopping and let her only buy a few things. I choose to spend the money on myself and not help others out with money even if they will pay me back. This is putting my happiness and self interest first and not thinking how my friend feels. The strength of this situation is that my happiness comes first. The weak point is that my selfishness does not allow my friend to be happy as well.