SHSU Ways Conflicts Were Resolved in The Middle Ages Paper
General Information:
For each of the five sections into which the course is structured, you will be assigned a video to augment your study of the topics covered in the book. The paper reacting to the video should:
- include your name,
- include your SHSU email address,
- indicate which reaction paper it is, and
- be two double-spaced pages long or less.
You should use at least a 12-point font and have one inch margins all the way around. You may submit the paper in any of the following electronic formats:
- Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx)
- Apple Pages (.pages)
- Portable Document Format (.pdf)
The paper should address:
- something you learned;
- some feeling the video caused you to have, and why; and
- some way in which you view things differently from how you did before (or, alternatively, some way in which your pre-existing views were reinforced).…
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