statement best describes cause of the economic transformation the United States, history homework help

Question 1

  1. Which statement best describes cause of the economic transformation the United States experienced in the early nineteenth century?
    Scientific advances in the agricultural field led to larger crop yields
    An increase in immigration to American cities created a larger work force
    The invention of new methods of transportation made it cheaper to ship freight

2 points

Question 2

  1. What differentiated the economy in the southern United States from the economy in the northern United States in the nineteenth century?
    The southern states’ industrial centers were fewer and spaced further apart
    The southern states did not have the labor resources that northern states did
    The southern states’ economies relied upon agriculture and not manufacturing

2 points

Question 3

  1. In what way was the social status of women in the United States affected by early industrialization?
    Both genders were needed to fill the same positions
    Women were allowed to focus their attention outside of the domestic sphere
    The economic significance of women as consumers was increased

2 points

Question 4

  1. What main advantage did railroads have over canals for transporting freight in the 1830s?
    Railroads could be used efficiently in any weather
    Railroads could be constructed on all types of terrain
    Railroads could be built using readily available materials

2 points

Question 5

  1. Which region of the United States was most dependent on roadways for transportation in the mid-1800s?
    the Midwest
    the Northeast
    the South

2 points

Question 6

  1. After the American Revolution, the United States’ westward expansion began with the early exploration of which region?
    the Mississippi Delta
    the Ohio River Valley
    the Great Lakes Basin

2 points

Question 7

  1. Which country’s emigrants made up the largest foreign group in the United States’ urban population in the mid-1800s?

2 points

Question 8

  1. A food shortage in which country led to its immigrants becoming the largest foreign group in the northeast United States in the mid-1800s?

2 points

Question 9

  1. In terms of revenues produced, what was the leading cash crop grown in the United States in the nineteenth century?

2 points

Question 10

  1. What occurred as a direct result of canal construction in the eastern United States in the mid-1800s?
    Port cities such as New York City and Boston thrived
    Shipping costs between major cities dropped sharply
    Wheat and other grains were farmed in more regions

2 points

Question 11

  1. Which of the following reforms did Horace Mann advocate?
    ending child labor in factories
    free public education for all children
    equal educational treatment for girls and boys

2 points

Question 12

  1. Which American reformer was most closely associated with public education?
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Horace Mann
    Robert Owen
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