Summarize chapter 4 of Psychology Core Concepts, 8 TH Edition
- Summarize Chapter 4 : Psychology Core Concepts, 8TH, Edition Zimbano, PG; Johnson, RL; McCann, V
Paper should be three pages (not counting cover page or reference page) long, using font Times New Roman #12, single space. APA style..
- Introduction: Learning
- 4.1: Key Question: What Sort of Learning Does Classical Conditioning Explain?
- Psychology Matters 4.1: Conditioned Taste Aversions and Chemotherapy
- 4.2: Key Question: How Do We Learn New Behaviors By Operant Conditioning?
- Psychology Matters 4.2: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology
- 4.3: Key Question: How Does Cognitive Psychology Explain Learning?
- Psychology Matters 4.3: Fear of Flying Revisited
- Summary: Learning