TB math and other

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Part 1 200 words

President John F Kennedy once said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” Long before his time and long after, many successful leaders have built their foundation on sound reading practices and a literate habits. In this first discussion board we will review several paragons’ reading habits to explore the connection between literature and its many benefits such as creative thinking, leadership, stress-relief, and innovation.

Review the Reading Profiles provided below. Then choose one profile to address the assignment questions on the discussion board.

Reader Profiles Document

Post your answer to the following questions in the Unit 2 Discussion Board.

  • Whose reading profile did you choose to discuss and why?
  • What do you think this individual gets out the time he/she spends reading?
  • How do their reading habits compare to yours?
  • Which book from their reading list is most appealing to you and why?

Part 2 300 words

View Tomas Elemans’ TED Talk, The Inspiring Truth in Fiction.

Respond to this video by doing the following:

  • Provide an example of a time when you read something that made you see the world, a problem or even a person or event in a slightly different way. Be specific.
  • Discuss the relationship between fiction and empathy

Part 3 300 words

Writing can be used to express beliefs, values, and viewpoints. For this assignment, you will choose one of the literary texts listed below. You will explore how the author uses first person narrative to express his or her beliefs, values, and viewpoints on the themes of innovation and leadership.

Read ONE of the following literary texts:

  • Up From Slavery: An Autobiography by Booker T. Washington
    • Selected Reading assignment: Chapter I A Slave Among Slaves, Chapter IV Helping Others, Chapter XI Making Their Beds Before They Could Lie On The
  • Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin
    • Selected Reading assignment: Chapter I Ancestry and Early Life in Boston, IX Plan for attaining Moral Perfection, XVIII Scientific Experiments
    • On the Unit 4 Discussion Board answer the following questions about your selected reading:
  • Which literary text did you select and why?
  • Identify an innovative idea that the author expressed.
  • How does the author convey that idea and is the author effective in doing so?

Part 4 200 words

Reflect on the course materials, Intellipath content, and discussion board assignments to inform your answers to the following questions:

  • Identify a skill that could be improved by cultivating a reading list to support your knowledge of the topic and your personal, professional, or academic development.
  • What are the benefits of including different genres of writing in your reading list?
  • What is one way that you can improve your reading habits to develop yourself as a leader?
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