Write a program that lets the user enter four quarterly sales figures, Java programming help
A company has six divisions, numbered 1-6. Write a program that lets the user enter
four quarterly sales figures for these six divisions, in the order division 1
quarter 1, division 1 quarter 2, division 1 quarter 3, division 1 quarter 4,
division 2 quarter 1, etc. There should be input validation, allowing the user to
only input positive numbers for sales figures. If a user inputs a negative number,
the program should ignore it and prompt them again.
The figures should be stored in a two-dimensional array of doubles . Once the
figures are entered, the program should display the following data for each quarter:
● A list of the sales figures by division
● Each division’s increase or decrease from the previous quarter
(this will not be displayed for the first quarter)
● The total sales for the quarter
● The company’s increase or decrease from the previous quarter
(this will not be displayed for the first quarter)
● The average sales for all divisions that quarter
● The division with the highest sales for that quarter