write about innovation

P roblem 1 : Innovation is the number one driver of US econom y.. Computer,, internet,, smart phones,, smart watches,, self – driving cars,, Amazon Alexa,, Google home,, military technologies such as Drones,, are some of the examples of innovation and many of these innovative technologies are utilized by the millions of citizens all around the world..

In this spirit,, if all the funds and resources are available to you to do the innovation,, what would you innovate related to your discipline??

To shape up your writing for the innovation topic,, please try to incorporate the best answers based on your ability to following questions i n your write up::

What is the strong rationale for the topic of innovation ?

What are the two goals that will help the innovation a reality?

What are the two objectives of each goal ?

Find and d iscuss at least one t echnique or algorithm without that your innovation can not be possible.

Please submit your paper in PDF format ‐>> Use single spacing,, 10 pts Times New Roman font with 1 inch page margin all sides format.. Page limit ‐1 page.. Write the title of the innovation in the header space of the page.. Use page 2 for graphs,, tables and references..

For research use following website from WVU computers::




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