week 8 charlene lupo

    • Suggest an additional benefit or criticism of the U.S. Patriot Act.
    • Provide additional information on the country a colleague selected to compare to the United States, and explain the significance of this information. Respond to Charlene as if you’re having a conversation with him. A few sentences and a question

It is not hard to imagine that in 1995 a study by the RAND with the assistance of the U.S. Department of Justice concluded that local law enforcement agencies were not prepared to handle an act of terrorism (Davis, Riley, Ridgeway, Pace, Cotton, Steinberg, Damphousse, and Smith, 2004), nor was there an active infrastructure of agencies across departments of the criminal justice system. One of the first known acts of terrorism in the United States took place in New York City in the year 1914. While the bombing was botched as it had been intended for the Rockefeller family ignited on the top floor of the tenement building on 1626 Lexington Avenue, Manhattan, New York (Roberts, 2017). Then we move to 1920 – the Wall Street Bombing which killed 38 people and injured hundreds more (Kiriakova, n.d.).

September 11, 2001, terrorist act against the United States changed our country and its citizens in numerous ways. From this violent crime against the American people, the Executive Branch of our government incorporated into law the USA Patriot Act (U.S. Department of Justice, n.d.). As stated in the article, The USA Patriot Act: Preserving Life and Liberty, law enforcement already had the means and ways to track, investigate, and gather information, but this was not possible through court orders, subpoenas, or warrants against a suspected terrorist (ibid). The act enabled law enforcement to pursue suspected terrorist through wiretapping, profiling, delayed search warrants, obtain business records of terrorist associates and more on a more aggressive state (ibid).

The U.S. Patriot Act opened doors for law enforcement and agents to look and investigate prospective terrorist acts such as the allowance of surveillance tools. Crimes such as chemical weapons crimes, killing Americans abroad and financing terrorist acts of crime. Staying abreast on communication and location surveillance of terrorist is now allowed utilizing tapping cell phones will afford investigators the tools needed for national security protection and detection of terrorist. One of the crucial efforts of the Patriot Act is that it encouraged federal, state, and local agencies to work together, to collaborate information, taking away the legal barriers that kept intelligence, national defense, and local agencies from working together (U.S. Department of Justice, n.d.). Another positive aspect of the Patriot Act is that it updated laws to reflect the changing in technology. It is increasing the penalty for those who commit terrorist acts. This portion also prohibits individuals from harboring or concealing terrorist in the United States and abroad (Ibid). Along with other provisions and tightening of the law of terrorist, the act provides for no statute of limitation on acts of terrorism (Ibid).

A living document, reviewed every two years, the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy unanimously agrees to stand together and fight terrorist and terrorist acts of any nature (United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism, n.d.). This committee representing nations of the world are coordinating efforts to address terrorism as one. GOV.UK, (2017), still advises the public that international terrorism remains a threat to British nationals which can happen at any time and any place in the world. They also caution Americans to be aware of possible threats when traveling or living internationally (Ibid).

Privacy, is there such a “thing” anymore? We post our personal lives on social media, we bank online, purchase online, and conduct business online. Our social security number is used for everything these days. Case in point, I went into a local chain to purchase some items. While ready to pay the sales clerk to ask for my phone number. I asked what does my number have to do with buying (of course I knew)? Then she proceeds to ask for my address and so forth until finally, I said: “I just want to buy this product.” Everything about us as individuals is available to someone somewhere. Losing a little privacy for the sake of our protection and lives should not warrant any type of fear. The government is not interested in where we go and what we read at the library (U.S. Department of Justice, dispelling the myths).


Davis, L. M, Riley, K. J., Ridgeway, G., Pace, J., Cotton, S. K., Steinberg, P. S., Damphousse,

K., & Smith, B. L. (2004). When terrorism hits home: How prepared are state and local law enforcement

. Retrieved from


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