300 WD rely to two students on Thematic Integration of Faith and Learning Paper (executive Coaching)

The student answers came from the instructions below. I added the reading material sites as well so that you can d=get an understanding of what the course is about.

Discussion Board Forum 2 Instructions


The purpose of this forum is to research and write a 600–750-word rough draft for the Thematic Integration of Faith and Learning Paper, which will be submitted in Module 3/Week 6. Review the Thematic Integration of Faith and Learning Paper Instructions. You must relate course concepts to biblical examples of coaching in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Cite sources, including the course texts, and include a reference list in current APA format.

Replies——–The students replies should be 300-450 words


  • Reading Bergquist & Mura: chs 1-6
  • Underhill et al.: ch. 1=6



the Keller and Alsdorf (2012)


additional presentation



Liberty University

Biblical scripture provides coaching advice at the core level of the subject matter. Beers and Beers (2008) emphasizes that faith integration must reach beyond spiritual formation programming on campus and even strong faculty-student mentoring to shape how one sees all the discipline. Guidance in biblical concepts stems from various coaching techniques (Beers & Beers, 2008). The purpose of this discussion post is to link course concepts with that of teachings from the Old and New Testaments

Old Testament

The Old Testament is filled with coaching scriptures, but none more than Exodus 18:1-24. In Exodus the virtues of coaching are very relevant, Moses told his father-in-law about everything the Lord had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for Israel’s sake and about all the hardships they had met along the way and how the Lord had saved them (Exodus 18:8, The New King James Version). In this verse Jethro, Moses father-in-law, is listening to Moses about the ups and downs of the journey. This relates back to the course concept of engagement coaching. Engagement coaching is most useful with issues around important impersonal relationships in which much is at stake (Bergquist & Mura, 2011). The engagement coach typically works with the client on one or more of the three communication approaches which are disclosure, feedback, and helping (Bergquist & Mura, 2011). By listening to the ups and downs of the journey, Jethro is offering nonverbal feedback in the ways of listening which are helping Moses disclose the information. This leads to more comfortability from the client.

Another strategy implemented in Exodus is reflective coaching. Reflective coaching is when a coach walks with the colleague through job-related dilemmas, helping his client identify and test out basic frames of reference, and specific assumptions regarding his or her own ways of working with problems and issues (Bergquist & Mura, 2011). Jethro is using a reflective coaching strategy with Moses. Jethro was delighted to hear all about the good things the Lord had done for Israel and rescuing them from the hand of the Egyptians, and he said, “Praise to the Lord, who rescued you from the hand of the Egyptians” (Exodus 18:9-11 The New King James Version). In these verse Jethro is worshipping and celebrating with Moses. In this situation Jethro is acting as a decisional coach and helping the client, Moses, reflect and learn about himself from the decisions made. This reflective coaching is an integral tool that can help clients understand situations and find ways to overcome them together (Skiem, 2018). This gives the client the comfortability needed to ask probing questions.

Jethro’s coaching did not stop there, rather the coaching style transformed into a philosophical coaching strategy. The philosophical coach encourages the client to probe deeply into underlying assumptions and beliefs and to reflect on these underlying assumptions (Bergquist & Mura, 2011). This can be done through different probing questions (Skiem, 2018). Jethro asks Moses, “What is this you are doing for the people, and why do you sit alone as a judge, while all these people stand around you from morning till evening” (Exodus 18:14 The New King James Version)? Moses answered, “Because the people come to me to seek God’s will” (Exodus 18:15 The New King James Version). In this situation Jethro is asking Moses probing questions in order to get a deeper understanding of the beliefs and assumptions of Moses. By asking this question, the client has a chance to reflect on the philosophical underpinnings of the beliefs and actions (Bergquist & Mura, 2011).

Much like Exodus, Proverbs provides many insightful and enlightening coaching concepts. “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out” (Proverbs 20:5 The New King James Version). Effective coaches get below the surface so that leaders can get a better clarity about their motivations and actions (Knight, 2009). This links to the concept of mentoring. Mentoring refers to a relationship in which someone within the company assists another person (Underhill, McAnally, & Koriath, 2007). The mentor takes time to help the protege, often by providing advice or a better understanding of the work environment, culture, office politics, or the proteges new position (Underhill et al., 2007). In this situation in proverbs the mentor is trying to bring the best out of the protege by having a deep understanding of the protegee actions. In order to be a strong mentor, the mentor needs to go below the surface of the client and get a deeper understanding to determine the clarity of the client’s actions and motivations.

New Testament

The Old Testament provided many great coaching concepts and techniques, and this leads to great ones in the New Testament as well. The apostle Paul gave a mandate for coaching in Ephesians, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelist, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:11-12 The New King James Version). This verse is a form of empowerment. This relates back to the concept of empowerment coaching. Empowerment coaching focuses on the relationship between the client and the groups in which the client participates as a leader, facilitator, or member (Bergquist & Mura, 2011). The term empowerment is employed to emphasize the role of this type of behavioral coaching in helping both a client and the group of which the client is a member be not only more effective, but also more influential (Bergquist & Mura, 2011). In this situation Paul is empowering those around and helping others become leaders and more influential in spreading the word of God. Those listening to Paul speak will feel more empowered and be able to provide more influent in the spreading of God’s will.

The New Testament offers coaching in the aspect of providing opportunities for followers as well. In Acts, Barnabas discerned potential in others, and discovered God at work alongside others (Acts 9:21-23 The New King James Version). Finding opportunities for others is a form of opportunity coaching. The opportunity coach is providing the client with an opportunity for success and long-term benefits (Bergquist & Mura, 2011). There is no greater opportunity then being able to do gods will. As God is everything (Keller & Alsdorf, 2016).

Coaching does not always come from a leader to a mentor, but it can come from peer to peer. Peer coaching is a simple accountability concept to hold duos accountable by connecting one another (Underhill et al., 2007). This form of peer coaching appears in John, “If you love me, you will obey what I command, and I will ask the father, and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever” (John 14:26 The New King James Version). This counselor that is spoke of in the verse is like peer coaching, as accountability is held. For example, if one has someone else holding them accountable it is more likely this person will follow through on the required tasks. In this situation it would be loving and worshipping God. As all things should be done in service to God (Keller & Alsdorf, 2016).

Throughout the ages there have been many great coaches, but Jesus is the master coach. Above all coaches Jesus stands supreme as Jesus used all these coaching strategies mentioned as well as many more to develop the relationships with the disciples and others. This leadership skill can be truly exemplified in Matthew, ” Jesus emptied himself of power and status to become incarnational (Matthew 20:20-28 The New King James Version). As the ultimate leader Jesus served others while leading. This is the ultimate token in servant leadership.


Both the Old Testament and New Testament provide great models, instructions, and scenarios to help in ones coaching journey. These examples are just a few of the many that there are. The purpose of this discussion post has been met by relating course concepts to the biblical teachings. The information is supported by scholarly sources and is referenced in the reference section.


Beers, S. and Beers, J. (2008). Integration of Faith and Learning from The Soul of a Christian University. Abilene Christian University Press. Abilene, TX.

Bergquist, W., & Mura, A. (2011). Coachbook: A guide to organizational coaching strategies and practices. Seattle, WA: William Bergquist.

Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K. (2016). Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work. New York: Penguin Random House.

Knight, J. (2009). Coaching. Journal of Staff Development, 30(1), 18-78. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/do…

Skiem, B. (2018). Career coaching: Preparing for what’s next. Journal of Staff Development, 16(3), 190-192. Retrieved from https://www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/science/article/pii/S154146121830082X

Underhill, B., McAnally, K., & Koriath, J. (2007). Executive coaching for results: The definitive guide to developing organizational leaders. Oakland: California. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Discussion Post Week 2.docx (17.538 KB)


iscussion Board Forum 2

Barbara C. Hunter

Liberty University


In the new testament, Thelossians 5:11 states “therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” (New International Version). This paper will examine the possibilities of having Organizational and Executive Coaching as a focus for an academic field of study and how students can develop the acumen from this proposed course by utilizing their critical and analytical thinking skills, and synthesis of information to solve and/or mediate problems. In addition, this draft will include discussion on how incorporating God’s purpose for coaching can benefit everyone and guide students to practice professionalism and ethical standards in the workplace. Further discussion will also illustrate how developing future leaders by implementing Organizational and Executive coaching into the system will help bring a new approach towards succession planning and career development for employees in the workplace. The hopes are that the lessons gained will encourage proactive and retention initiatives, and create an environment that is conducive to learning and reflecting a positive growth in the 21st century (Beeson, & Valerio, 2012).

Organizational and Executive Coaching as an Academic Major

Introducing Organizational and Executive Coaching as an academic major is a vast subject because it embodies various applications, models and theories. As such, there are sub-disciplines within this major including, but not limited to transitional coaching, appreciative coaching, and leadership development, which can be considered separate disciplines of their own as well. Organizational and Executive Coaching comprises practical elements from planning and decision making, to strategic and management level controls, which are subjects that could be transformed into individual courses and ultimately into an academic field of study (Blocher, Cokins, Juras & Stout, 2016).

The purpose to introducing Organizational and Executive Coaching as an academic major in the business field is to provide a comprehensive concentration on the servant leader guidance counseling profession.The ultimate goal of the course is to develop and enhance student’s knowledge and understanding of the various concepts and techniques of Organizational and Executive Coaching. Discussion will combine theory and research with practical knowledge and methods from categories like appreciative, behavioral, decisional, and aspirational coaching. This will allow students to embrace a holistic view of coaching and learn how to apply what they learned in their future roles as contributing members of society. This type of curriculum will not only require students to utilize their analytical and critical thinking skills towards workplace situations, but also be able to identify strengths and areas of opportunities and apply those learned throughout their course to become effective.

Expected learning outcomes from students

By permitting the inclusion of Organizational and Executive Coaching as a field of study, assessment methods must be incorporated so that it can identify the student’s competences with the requirements of the curriculum and to the program learning outcomes. The goal of any business program is to ensure that courses such as Organizational and Executive Coaching prepare students for life-learning, personal development and successful adaptation in the business society (Kanar, 2014).

Six questions listed below were developed to demonstrate if they are ready to transition their learning outcomes of the course study and make real-world applications.

Questions to identify synthesis between course and real-world application:

  • How would you apply contemporary coaching techniques that responds to the contemporary business environment?
  • What are some ethical challenges facing organizational and executive coaching?
  • What coaching experience resonates with you that could improve your personality and capabilities to become a successful coach?
  • How would coaches overcome the potential barriers to effective communication?
  • What measurement tool can be used to identify success in using a multi-dimensional approach to behavior coaching?
  • What is the negative impact to an organization when methods from appreciative coaching are not utilized?

The purpose behind the questions are to allow the students to provide their understanding and competencies to identify if they are prepared for adjusting the demands of the diverse business societies. Bergquist & Mura (2011) described how coaching models are not only powerful and proven, they allow coaches to continuously learn to improve and develop new approaches that will prepare clients for a positive transformative behavior (Bergquist & Mura, 2011).

Significance of integrating faith with Organizational and Executive Coaching

Christian views on coaching has made an impact with organizations to accomplish its goals through assessment and learning from God’s creation of how he rearranges his work to help the world in general and most especially people to help them thrive and flourish. This from Keller & Alsdorf (2012), who also mentioned that whenever we bring order out of chaos, and empower people to be creative, and at the same time follow God’s pattern of creative cultural development, we are representing his work of forming, filling and subduing (Keller & Alsdorf, 2012). Colleges are always in a state of reform searching out new degree programs that will enhance student learning and achieve program learning outcomes in developing leaders capable of executing their strategy. Incorporating Christian views on Organizational and Educational Coaching will raise the bar on what this type of learning entails. From developing and enhancing student’s knowledge and understanding of concepts and techniques, coaching moves people toward maturity rather than dependence. It allows them to make their own godly decisions, which will allow them to grow in responsibility and also in leadership (Logan, 1990). The old testament has Deuteronomy stating that “the Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged (New International Version). And the new testament has Ephesians 2:10 stating that “for we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” A person’s success is directly tied to finding out what works God has prepared for them to do and then doing that (New International Version). Both go hand in hand to provide guidance, inspiration and the confidence to be trustworthy servant leaders.


Research has found that organizations are interested in incorporating coaching with their leadership development strategies (Underhill, McAnally, & Koriath, 2007). Christian Nieuweburgh (2012) stated that developing a curriculum in Organization & Executive Coaching supports future leaders to enhance workplace effectiveness, succession planning and reconnect with lead with a moral compass. In addition, he added that providing the education to future leaders provide the foundation to support facilitating transformation, and linking individual potential to meet specific needs (Nieuwebrugh, 2012). Incorporating God’s plan into the curriculum exemplifies what he wants for his people on earth because it strengthens his mission to educate the whole person through his eyes.


Beeson, J., & Valerio, A. (2012). The executive leadership imperative: A new perspective on

how companies and executives can accelerate the development of women leaders.

Business Horizons, 55(5), 417-425. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2012.05.002

Bergquist, W., & Mura, A. (2011). Coachbook: A guide to organizational coaching strategies

and practices. Seattle: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Blocher, E. J., Stout, D. E., Juras, P. E., & Cokins, G. (2016). Cost management: a strategic

emphasis seventh edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Kanar, C. (2014). The confident student. Boston, MA: Cengage

Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K. (2012). Every good endeavor to God’s work: Connecting your work to

God’s work. (ed.). New York, NY: Penguin Books

Logan, R. (1990). Beyond church growth (ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing Group

Nieuwerburgh, C. (2012). Coaching in education: Getting better results. (ed.). Finchley Road,

London NW3 5HT: Karnac Books Ltd.

Underhill, O., McAnally, K., & Koriath, J. (2007). Executive coaching for results: The definitive

guide to developing organizational leaders. (ed.). San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.

Discussion Board Forum 2.docx (19.554 KB)

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