A welcoming environment
Prompt: Lincoln, Ch. 21, 22, & 23
Ch. 21
A welcoming environment
- In what way does your institution send the message “you are welcome here”?
- Do you see any barriers that might send another message?
- Is the mission statement visible?
- What languages are spoken and by whom?
- Are staff, professional and ancillary, reflective of the community?
- What would you add to make it even more welcoming?
Decision making/Spokesperson
- How were decisions made in your family of origin?
- Is that different from your family of today?
- How is your decision-making mode different from that of your patients?
- Where do you find common ground?
How do you include family members?
- In outpatient settings?
- During procedures or treatments?
- In the emergency room?
- In the Intensive Care Unit?
- In the Pediatric Unit?
- In the Obstetrical Unit?
- During end-of-life?
Role of the Sick Person
- What was the role of the sick person in your family of origin?
- How is it different from that of your patients and their families?
- Where do you find common ground?
- In what ways do you encourage the patient’s family to participate in the patient’s care?
From your perspective…
- Where is it difficult to provide balance between patient and HCP?
- Which element would pose the greatest obstacle?
- How would you incorporate cultural beliefs and practices into a plan of care?
Ch. 22
Creating a vision
- What is your vision of a culturally competent healthcare organization?
- How does it address values of cultural diversity?
- How does it address a welcoming environment?
- Dignity for all who enter?
Do we reflect our community demographics?
- Administrators, do they reflect the community demographics?
- Professional staff, do they reflect the community demographics?
- Ancillary staff, do they reflect the community demographics?
- Patient demographics, if not reflective of community demographics, could this lead to health disparities?
Orienting to a new department
- Does your departmental orientation program address cultural diversity?
- Is there a policy addressing language spoken in the workplace?
- Are cultural styles of communication and conflict resolution reviewed and discussed?
- Is there discussion of the cultural values, beliefs, and health practices of your patient population?
- Are standards of care and Practice reviewed?
- What else needs to be added to the program?
Trends over time…the benefits and challenges
- What demographics changes have you seen in the student population?
- In the faculty population?
- What are the challenges of teaching in a culturally diverse student population?
- How does faculty address those challenges?
- What are the benefits?
Barriers for whom…
- Which of those themes resonate immediately with your experience?
- Have you observed or heard these mentioned by your students?
- From faculty?
- Do you treat all students the same?
- Can you see where changes could be made?
Student learning outcomes
- Who accredits your institution?
- What are the student learning outcomes specific to your department?
- How are cultural learning styles addressed in the development of curricula and testing?
- Do you see any biases?
Self and department cultural assessment
- Have you ever completed a cultural self-awareness assessment tool?
- What were the results, were they what you expected?
- Did you find it helpful?
- Were you involved in the decision-making process to do this exercise?
- Did new programs, new teaching strategies, better communication emerge?
Five Teaching patterns
- Which pattern is most reflective of your teaching style?
- Which style intrigues you?
- What resources are available to enrich your cultural teaching strategies?
In the classroom setting
- What are some of the resources you currently use?
- What teaching strategies have you used in the classroom?
- Are they effective?
- Does faculty work collaboratively to develop these programs?
- Are they part of your overall mission statement, goals, and objectives of the department?
Summary: The purpose of the weekly reflective journal exercises is to allow for analysis, synthesis and evaluation of nursing theory using guided questions. Reflection has been referred to as a process that happens internally, privately or in isolation (Hill & Watson, 2011). Also a useful definition of reflection has been referred to as the examination of an issue of concern, as a consequence of experience, creating clarity and meaning in terms of self, and which results in a change of perspective ( Boyd & Fales, 1983).
Directions: Complete the Reflective Journal questions presented in your Lincoln (Weeks 1-6) and Dayer-Berenson (Weeks 6-8) text as defined in the course outline. Post the responses to the questions in the D2L dropbox. The assignment in due on Monday by 11:59 PM PST