c cheat sheet
i’m allowed to take an A4 paper double sided.
i will be copying the one you write by hand because it has to be hand written.
these are the things from the study guide that i couldn’t get to stick in my head.
example code withe some comments/tips if necessary.
i will include the file just in case you need context or something.
would be great if we could write a program doing everything that’s coming in the final (with comments) and then i’ll write it on a peper. (tell me if you can do this later)
Substr(int position, int length) example.
How can counter variables be used to obtain user input until a certain condition has been met?
Promotion/Demotion of arguments and returned values.
Using structs and classes as arguments.
Returning struct and class objects.
Accessing members of objects passed as arguments.
Properly dealing with pointer-typed arguments, returns
Files: (example code)
Loosely understand the basic steps needed in order to incorporate files into our programs (open/close)
File-stream object specifically; and the steps that are different than just using it as if it were cout/cin
Requires additional include.
To create memory for our pointer, we use new; int * n = new int;
Dynamic Allocation
Syntax for deleting and allocating arrays dynamically both involve set of []
Structs in classes
Functions defined outside of the class (often another file), represented by a prototype inside class declaration
Templates, how to use them and what they mean/represent (important) idk both logic or syntax.
Linked Lists:(important) example code would help a lot.
Insertion, Deletion of a node, deletion of the list, finding a data value within the list
Can be made to follow rules like being sorted
Insertion or deletion requires altering the pointers in the list so that the rest of the list is intact around the changed area
if there’s space:
- Stacks/Queues
- Conceptually understand, follow, and predict both FIFO (First In First Out, aka Queues) and FILO (First In Last Out, aka Stacks) data structures.
- Stack: pushing and popping
- Queue: enqueueing and dequeueing
- Conceptually understand, follow, and predict both FIFO (First In First Out, aka Queues) and FILO (First In Last Out, aka Stacks) data structures.