concepts of alienation in “The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts” and Fetishism of Commodities in “Capital”

Compare the concepts of alienation in “The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts”( Estranged Labor, pp. 70-81) and commodity fetishism in “

Capital”. Use this book only “The Marx-Engels Reader second edition edited by Robert”only. Reading will be uploaded, citations need to be quoted precisely down to page numbers. You should have a clear thesis statement and an argument.

following is the page number of contents, but not be limited to:

Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, “Estranged (or Alienated) Labor,” pp.70-81

Capital, Part I, Chapter I, Section 4: “The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof,” 319-329;

Part III, Chapter VII, Section 2: “The Production of Surplus Value” 351-361,

First, define what is alienation in “The economic and philosophical Manuscript”

explain what is the fetishism of commodities in “Capital”

then make the comparison

For example, In the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (1932), Karl Marx identified four types of alienation that occur to the worker labouring under a capitalist system of industrial production. What is this four types of “alienation”

In short, define four types of alienation and explain what is the fetishism of commodities by using following text, then explain the relation between two chapters.

use given text only, page number need to be precise.

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