create the framework for your About Me draft, writing homework help

Following the steps below, begin to create the framework for your About Me draft. To help create this framework, you’ll begin by locating 3-5 job announcements for positions you’ll legitimately qualify for upon graduation. Then, begin to draft the About Me bio in 100 words or fewer. You’ll eventually build on this draft and submit a longer version on Sunday, February 21 (see the About Me Bio assignment).

Step 1: Find Job Announcements

As mentioned above, you’ll need to find 3-5 job announcements for (entry level) jobs in your field. In other words, find job announcements for jobs to which you would be applying upon graduation (so internships and co-ops would not be appropriate here since these are positions typically held by current college students). Some places to look for job announcements include:

1.Cardinal Career Network:






There are plenty of other sites to locate job announcements. Asks friends and/or professors in your department if there are specific job recruiting web sites in your field.

*Please note: I do not necessarily endorse the sites above. These are sites students have indicated work well for them. Some sites may require login registration. I encourage you to read through terms and conditions and other materials for these sites before registering.

Step 2: Analyze the Announcements

Once you’ve located 3-5 job announcements, conduct a close reading of each and write a 100-150 analysis of these job announcements. What are the keywords or key phrases you notice across announcements? What skills, experiences, and requirements are privileged most? In your discussion, make a list of your findings, and link to or include screenshots of each job announcement.

Step 3: Reading about Creating a Bio

Read Kistler’s “How to Write a Bio, which breaks down a professional bio, and discuss three ways this piece will be useful as you draft your own bio.

Step 4: Write a 100-Word About Me

Considering what your analysis revealed, begin to frame your bio by writing a 100-word “About Me.” Some things to consider, as you write:

1. Stay at or just under 100 words

2. What makes you stand out and how can you define your “brand?”

3. Incorporate the appropriate wording (lexical choices) from the job announcements when necessary–the keywords and phrases from your analysis above. 

4. What are three to five claims you can make about your accomplishments, experiences, and/or skills?

5. Be specific and concise.

Try to stay away from typical job search platitudes such as “hardworking,” “multitasker,” “dependable,” and others that can be used to describe just about anyone. Instead, push yourself to be unique and define you–and your brand.

**Please note: This 100-word bio will help jump start the About Me bio draft due Sunday, February 21.



The following jobs announcements suit my area of specialization; therefore, I would apply for them upon my graduation.

Human resources officer at Peace Corps

Customer Service Manager at Department of State Agency

Sales Associate at Marine Corps Community Services

The human resources managerial position at Peace Corps is located in the Overseas Recruitment Office, Selection and Support Division. The duties include the provision of strategic recruitment and placement advisory services.

The customer service managerial position at the department of state is a full-time position in the Bureau of Consular Affairs, New York Passport Agency. The duties include customer service program plans and directions, top communication agents on the passport application and issuance.

The sales associate position at the Marine Corps Community Services is located at MCAS YUMA, AZ. Successful candidates are expected to serve as sales associates, and their duties will include the provision of high-quality customer services and sales support to the clients in the Marine Corps Exchange stores.

Kistler’s piece on “How to Write a Bio” is important in many ways in helping one draft their bio. The article helps one understand how to begin the bio in a clear way that is understandable and attractive to the audience. Secondly, the piece is useful in presenting a bio in a manner that addresses a specific audience to capture ideal opportunities. Thirdly, the article stresses the importance of demonstrating how one is contributing to their niche or area of specification.


I  am a current general business major student about to graduate. I have worked as customer service manager in a leading telecommunication firm as an intern. My notable skills include the ability to solve problems, the ability to organize and plan,  negotiate, conceptualize and delegate, aptitude for teamwork, team building, and leadership, and capacity to communicate effectively. Also, I possess well-rounded business skills. I demonstrated my competence in problem solving, leadership, effective communication, and negotiation skills while working as a customer service manager for close to one year.

2. (链接到外部网站。)

This job announcement is for a case manager/investigator for the state of Michigan. The job announcement didn’t necessarily throw out key phrases but did have key concepts such as “utilizing child welfare” and “Developing relationships with people” and “being culturally aware” This job posting is also searching for someone with “empathy” and the ability to “document effectively”. The requirement for this job is a bachelor’s or master’s degree in human service areas and experience with casework is a plus but not a requirement. The priorities for this job posting would be to protect children by assessing child abuse allegations as well as possessing empathy and cultural awareness for families. (链接到外部网站。)

This job posting is for a background investigator. The job requirements for this job are excellent time management, communication both written and verbal and a bachelor’s degree. This job doesn’t have very many requirements necessarily for personality but has more requirements on an experience level. The preferences for this job, is a candidate with previous background investigation experience. Other requirements are obtained after receiving a job offer such as obtaining security clearance, and training within the company. (链接到外部网站。)

This job posting is for a Transportation Security Officer. This job requires the ability to pass multiple screening levels, the ability to operate various screening machines, perform searches and screenings on individuals, Interaction with the public, critical thinking skills, and focus and awareness. They also mention dependability and adaptability. The priority is an applicant who can pass a security check and pass the different screening levels such as aptitude testing, interviews, and a physical.

About Me short Bio: It should be noted that this is written as the assignment states, with the completion of a bachelor’s degree:

  Megan Skinner is an innovative worker who has extensive knowledge and experience in the Criminal Justice field.  Megan has had many experiences which enhanced her ability to use creative problem solving as well as communicating effectively with multiple different agencies and members of the community. Megan has worked in loss prevention, honing in on her ability to be alert and aware of multiple situations as well as being able to document events and become integrated into the court system. Megan also interned at the City of Saginaw Police Department where she developed many new skills involving investigation procedures, and public communication.;

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