Disability, Culture, and Society

Discussion: Physical Impairments and DisabilityBoth Mackelprang & Salsgiver and Clare write about various types of physical impairments, highlighting the problematic relationships between how disabled people are “treated” in medical settings and how they are “treated” in everyday life. In doing so, these authors demonstrate, as we have seen, that there are at least three stories of disability operating at any moment:a medical story, a personal/cultural story, and a public or social story. Given all the evidence you’ve seen and read about this week (and this quarter so far) how is it that people’s experience of physical impairment can be so different from the general public’s view? In answering these questions, please do not simply say,”more education is needed,”or”nondisabled people need to be around disabled people more.”Studies have shown that having disabled people and other minority groups visible in majority cultures does not actually lead to greater acceptance or respect for them. That said, if you do think more education is needed, what sort of education, by whom, directed towards whom, when, and how often?Reading:1. Ronald Berger, Introducing Disability Studies.2. Clare, Eli. (2018). Brilliant Imperfections.Read chapter(s) from Mackelbrang & SalsgiverVideos:1. Laurence Clark link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=; _U_byvTzW4w (Links to an external site.)2. We Won’t Drop the Baby link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSn3r0_VpsE

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