Handling Helicopter Parents

Handling a Helicopter Parent

Assignment Introduction

Imagine that you are the Dean of Students at a large university. The mother of a student whom you have never met calls every day because her son will not return her calls. She is convinced that he is doing drugs and is in a great deal of trouble as a result of being in college. You ask the son to come in to talk to you and he says he is fine, doing well, and enjoying college. He has not called his mother back because she is “annoying him”. How would you handle this situation?

Assignment Directions

Write your response in a creative way that works for this Assignment. At a minimum you should have a well thought out response or plan of action for the student and a separate one for the parent.

Draft a response to the student and a separate response to his mother. This could be a detailed list of talking points, a script for each conversation, or an email or letter to each, or some other creative presentation. Include the techniques or methods you will use to handle the helicopter parent within this specific situation for each of the Assignment elements indicated below. Be sure to discuss how you would comply with FERPA while addressing the issue by indicating cited references or providing links to the FERPA regulations.

Your Assignment must include the following:

  • Addresses both parent and student concerns with clear answers to each.
  • How would you address the privacy concerns of both the parent and the student?
  • How students and parents can best communicate to support each other in the college environment and day to day living.
  • What resources would you offer to the parent and student?
  • What FERPA regulations would apply to this situation.
  • As a student affairs professional, how would your follow-up be with the parent and the student and what are the questions or information you would provide?

Additional Resource

An overall guide to FERPA can be found here for reference: http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html


Follow the most current APA style guidelines for formatting, citations, and references.
Your paper, letter, email, or presentation should include a 1- to 2-page response to the student and a 1- to 2-page response to the parent or a content-equivalent creative presentation.


Draw on the resources presented in this unit to formulate your response.

This Assignment is due at the end of Unit 5 and is worth 125 points. Upload your completed Assignment to this unit’s Dropbox. The rubric can be found in the Grading Rubrics link under Course Resources.

This Assignment addresses the following unit learning outcomes:

  • Examine recent court cases and legislation regarding student rights and privacy.
  • Analyze the impact of helicopter parents on college student policies and programs.
  • Recommend for practices for dealing with helicopter parents.
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