Mod 1 Climate Change Refugees Ethical Dilemma Essay

This week, you will be completing your first essay in this course, using the topic proposal and outline you submitted in Module 1. Do not write on a different topic from what you chose for the Module 1 assignment. Natural scientists have often been confronted with ethical dilemmas as they make the connection between pure research and human application of the research. From our reading and our discussions, you should have a better idea of what constitutes a true ethical dilemma and how to analyze critically and examine these issues. Using the Excelsior Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., research an ethical dilemma that researchers have faced in one of the natural sciences.

Your essay should include the following:

1. A minimum of four resources from academic publications found in the Excelsior Library

2. 750 – 1250 words of writing. This does not include the title page or reference page. Please organize your paper based upon the approved outline and your faculty feedback.

3. Grammatically correct sentences. If you need assistance, free tutoring is available through
Smarthinking. You can link to it under “Free Tutoring” in your Table of Contents. To receive assistance on how to write essays, you can refer to the
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4. Use APA citation guidelines. If you need assistance, please refer to either of the following online writing labs: o
Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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See attached essay for module 1:

Climate Change Refugees

Climate change refugees challenge the aspect of stipulating rules to control the flow of asylums in various states. According to Mahoney (2016), the ethical and moral appeal associated with climate change results into aspects of finding a precise ethical, moral and scientific reason to rethink the control of refugees in the perspective of climate change factors.

Research Question

How will climate change refugees be offered refuge and permanent residence with the current increasing events of climate change challenges without violating moral and ethical coexistent policies concerning a different state and Federal government policies?

First Perspective

In some instances, laying down strict rules on the control of asylums in different Nations due to various economic and social challenges should rethink about climate change refugees who find it hard to start the life after an incidence of climatic change disaster occurs upon their experience (Mahoney, 2016).

Second Perspective

Contrarily, government policies on the issue of the control of asylum and refugees should not be altered concerning the need to uphold ethical consideration with refugees affected by climate change since most situations are typically associated with taking advantage of the situation at hand.

Why the Topic is Ethical issue and Who is impacted it

Kathleen Mahony impacted the topic on the ethical issues associated with climate change refugees. In her article, it is evident that the topic on the control of asylums and climate Change refugees is a moral issue since it tackles issues related to reasonable doubts to be given concerning the cause of climatic change that affects individuals’ hands causing them to be refugees (Mahoney, 2016). Besides a theoretical analysis of climate change and the causative agents also makes the topic on climate change refugees to be ethical and moral affiliated due to the technical legal defenses and statutory interpretation of the issue with a proper scientific position on the concession and rather the moral and ethical practices of Human Rights.

Analysis and Conclusion

In my view, climate change refugees should be handled with ethical and moral appeal since the cause of their problem is human nature and their practices that end up altering the climate negatively causing unexpected issues. In that manner, climate change refugees should be carried through ethical study to determine the cause of the problem and to enhance peacemaking mechanism concerning security frameworks that relate to climatic change and the concept of Justice and nature equity.


Mahoney, K. (2016). 9 Climate change challenges in law and ethics. The Common Good and Ecological Integrity: Human Rights and the Support of Life, 107.

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