political science

Answer the following question in 2-3 double-spaced pages (at least 650 words count). You should reference at least 2 readings or videos from this section of the course.

In Chapter 3 of the textbook, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jAyZUZbr6UY8hzWM6…Hendrik Spruyt and John Meyer (et al) both try to explain the fact that most polities in today’s world are nation-states. What do their explanations have in common, and in what respects do they differ? Which do you find most compelling and why?

Textbook link:

Resource 1: ( read chapter 3) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jAyZUZbr6UY8hzWM6…

Resource 2:

Resource 3, see attached file.

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