Portable Concept Practice Sheet Worksheet


  • First, practice the portable concept skill by completing the “Portable Concept Practice Sheet.” This sheet will be worth 15 points of the 80 and must be stapled to your final draft of Short Writing 3. Then, in two paragraphs (roughly 500-600 words), perform a formal application of a portable concept from either Emerson or Machiavelli to a scene from “Bicycle Thieves” or “The Battle of Algiers”
    • In the first paragraph, briefly introduce the film as a whole (2-3 sentences) and then provide a detailed summary of the film scene to the reader for independence. Note that there is no thesis required for this assignment.


  • To use an another writer’s ideas for your own ends
  • To defend a reasoned judgment
  • To quote and paraphrase accurately and gracefully
  • To lay the foundation for writing effective responses to civic and academic debates

Criteria for Evaluation

  • Complete: Does the short writing include the necessary parts of the assignment (the portable concept, introduction to the film/film scene, application of the concept by examining one or two key pieces of evidence from the scene in the spirit of 10 on 1)?
  • Accurate: Does the short writing define the concept accurately and completely?
  • Brief: Does the short writing use language precisely and economically to say as much as possible in the allotted space?
  • Independent: Would the short writing make sense to readers who have not read the essay or seen the movie?
  • Clarity and Design: Is the short writing well-written, easy to understand, and easy to follow?Does it have an effective structure and an appropriate style?Are sources properly documented? Are transitions used well?Is it organized and coherent? Is it the proper length?
  • Editing Skills: Is the short writing free of grammatical and mechanical errors?

Grade Range

  • A – Model paper. One or maybe two minor errors and no major errors.
  • B – A few minor errors and perhaps one major error counterbalanced by better than average execution.
  • C – Complete assignment. One or more major errors accompanied by several minor errors. On balance, however, the paper does fair work satisfying the requirements. A “C” paper is a successful paper.
  • D – A medley of major and minor errors. Usually an incomplete assignment. Often times “D” papers demonstrate reading and assignment comprehension issues or are a product of student sloppiness and laziness.
  • F – Failure.

Major Errors: For the worksheet, major errors result in the loss of 1.6-2.5 points. For the essay portion of this assignment, such errors result in the loss of anywhere between 6-16 points, depending on the severity. These errors usually involve issues related to accuracy and misrepresentation, independence, citation, evidence/analysis (step-4), and completion.

Minor Errors: For the worksheet, minor errors result in the loss of 0.2-1.5 points. For the essay portion, such errors result in the loss of anywhere between 1-5 points, depending on the severity. These errors usually involve issues related to grammar and editing, organization, clarity, and neutrality. However, sometimes a problem with accuracy, independence, evidence/analysis (step-4), or citation is insignificant enough to fall under this category.

Keep in mind that minor errors can snowball and cause major errors. For instance, minor errors in organization could conceivably make a paper very difficult to follow overall, giving rise to a work that lacks independence.

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