- Y. W.
PSY 6501: Psychology of Personality
Week 2 – Discussion 2 – Trait Theory
Dr. Shoemaker
August 16, 2018
The trait theory that resonates with me is temperament. The selection is made because this writer is still working on controlling the biological predisposition. Between my sister and I, it can be determined that I m more easy going whereas she can appear to be difficult. As I’ve assessed the various situations and our abilities in handling it, seems as though she’s more a no-nonsense kind of person that lets nothing slides. Whereby I’m more lenient and let too much slide before reacting. It might appear as weakness and allow people to walk over you as the saying goes. There’s some truth to the latter statement because there are people who will take, push, take and push without feeling remorseful in taking advantage of an individual’s calm demeanor.
The positive aspect of having a calm temperament the field of understanding of personality and career will be enhanced. Allport makes several points in his article, but the one that supports the point I’ve made me, “the trait is only relatively independent of the other traits Allport,1966, p.1) Additionally, trait is viewed as the residual effect of previous stimulation, such as trait which shifts the attention from interaction that is consistent in defined roles.
According to Lecci & Magnavita, 2013, (as cited by Allport’s, 1968), “Traits are specific features of personality such as persistence, integrity, and honesty, which accounts for variation in personality” (sec.1.3). The trait is also stable personality factor, and as the state, it is a fluctuating element of the personality system. Life possible drawback of the therapy of an individual is difficulty or negative behavior in front of our clients.Reference
Lecci, L.B. & Magnavita, J.J. (2013). Personality Theories: A Scientific Approach. San Diego:
Bridgepoint Education, Inc. ISBN: 9781621781110
Allport, G. W. (1966). Traits revisited. American Psychologist, 21(1), 1-10.
doi:10.1037/h0023295 Reply Reply to Comment - ——————————————————————————————————————————————--CLASSMATE #-2
- C. T.
FridayAug 17 at 8:47amManage Discussion EntryWhen looking at the trait theories that were presented this week, I chose to discuss the ancient Greeks and Humoral Theory. According to Lecci & Magnavita (2013), the ancient Greeks believed, “the body was compromised of four basic fluids, and the balance of these fluids could determine behavioral and emotional tendencies” (p. 235). I chose to talk about this theory because I find it fascinating to learn and understand why our ancestors believed what they did. Looking at the history of studying personality is important because it helps us to understand what might or might not be valid and we can use this to enhance other or new theories further. For instance, the humoral theory is all about balance, and in my career, I believe balance is important as well. Most clinicians will talk about having a balanced diet in our physical health and a positive work environment to help our mental health. If an individual gets sick, we tend to blame it on having a “bug” or allergies of some sort, but it might be that we are suffering from stress and stress can have very negative aspects on your body. It also might be easier to re-balance your life if you’re wealthy, but if you are a single parent raising children, it might be harder to create a balanced life.
The four fluids that were thought to be in the body were phlegm, blood, yellow and black bile and all these fluids had to be in balance to have good health and a stable balance of behavior and emotions. The black bile was said to be linked to a melancholic person, yellow bile was like to a choleric person, blood was connected with a sanguine person, and phlegm was associated with the phlegmatic person. This theory was later discredited but was adopted and adapted by Islamic and Western European medicine.
The humoral theory has helped when it comes to the Humoral theory of Transplant Immunology established by Paul Terasaki. According to Mepur (2017), “The theory not only impacts contemporaries to develop better therapeutic strategies but also directs generations that follow Terasaki” (p. 1). This theory encompasses the antibodies that exist in patients waiting for donor organs and individuals who have had graft injury and loss after transplantation. Even though this is not about personality, the humoral theory has to help advance other sciences.References
George M., F. (1988). The Validating Role of Humoral Theory in Traditional Spanish-American Therapeutics. American Ethnologist, (1), 120.
Lecci, L.B. & Magnavita, J.J. (2013). Personality Theories: A Scientific Approach. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Mepur H., R., Junchao, C., Soldano, F., Frans H. J., C., & Senthamil R., S. (2017). The Humoral Theory of Transplantation. Journal Of Immunology Research, Vol 2017 (2017), doi:10.1155/2017/5935123 Reply Reply to Comment