SOCW6311 Walden Wk 5 Cultural adaptations Recommendation Response

Due 03/28/2019

Respond to at least 2 of your colleagues and elaborate on their recommendations for cultural adaptation with the group they identified. For example, you might discuss a merit or limitation of the cultural adaptation that your colleague proposed. Or you might suggest an alternative application of one of Marsigilia and Booth’s cultural adaptation.

Response to Crystal Hutchinson

According to Kearney (2001), qualitative findings are essential in creating the interventions for clients’ different cases because they form string underpinnings of the decisions made to help the clients (Kearney, 2001). This leads to greater efficacy of the intervention upon implementation. Knight’s et al. (2014) analyzes the efficacy of the Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotels in combating the mental health risk environments among impoverished women with complexities of trauma, drug use, and other personal problems. An outstanding quote by one of the women in the study goes “Oh, it’s [my room’s] beautiful, it’s comfortable, and it’s quiet, and it’s clean! I mean the manager there is upon it. He’s got security cameras now. It’s secure; I’m high up. The only way you can get into my window is if you try to do it. And if you try to do it and you fall, you’re going to die. It’s out of the way [out of the neighborhood], yeah. And so the [public] bus takes me to school. Takes me straight to school, straight home. Boom, no chaos. Walgreen’s right there. Boom, psych meds, boom right there, boom. Bus pass, Walgreen’s right there, boom. Everything’s right there. You know [the bank] is right on the corner, boom. I’m just — McDonald’s everything, grocery store, laundromat, everything is just right there in my commute. I don’t have to go a block to go to the laundromat. I don’t have to go through a block to go to grocery shopping. So, everything is just perfect for me” (Knight, Lopez, Comfort, Shumway, Cohen & Riley, 2014). This confession by the woman indicates that the SRO program is efficacious and it is helping her to adjust to her normal conditions due to the proximity of her needs. An in-depth analysis of this quote indicates that social work practice with the homeless should be multifaceted and involve well-informed steps (Knight et al., 2014). A good development cycle should be made for the Single Room Occupancy hotels before directing clients to them.

According to the contents of the quote, an SRO hotel should be structured to solve most of the client’s complex problems. Notably, a client should feel more secure when moved into the SRO rooms as compared to the earlier exposed environment. The social worker must keep close monitoring of the client and go to the extent of enhancing a security surveillance system to assure the client about her security profiles. My intervention recommendation for social work practice with the homeless is creating a multifaceted structure based on the behavioral characteristics of the client, previous history, and other risks involved. In other words, a good isolation facility for the clients should be made in conformity to the scanning results of the client.

Adapting the recommended practice

According to Marsigilia and Booth (2015), an effective adaptation of a recommendation comes after a deep analysis of the theoretical underpinning of the intervention and efficacy levels (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015). Creating a multifaceted facility, which meets all the conditions will be effective for African Americans because all the deliverables of race and culture will be considered. The suited cultural adaptation here would be a content adaptation which includes the surface and deep culture. This will be valuable in creating a suitable environment for the target population. The model also takes care of sexual orientation, age, gender, geography shape culture, religion, acculturation thus creating an enabling environment for the client (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015).


Kearney, M. H. (2001). Levels and applications of qualitative research evidence. Research in nursing & health, 24(2), 145-153.

Knight, K. R., Lopez, A. M., Comfort, M., Shumway, M., Cohen, J., & Riley, E. D. (2014). Single room occupancy (SRO) hotels as mental health risk environments among impoverished women: The intersection of policy, drug use, trauma, and urban space. International Journal of Drug Policy, 25(3), 556-561.

Marsiglia, F. F., & Booth, J. M. (2015). Cultural adaptation of interventions in real practice settings. Research on social work practice, 25(4), 423-432.

Response to Eric Walters

I.  Knight et al. (2014) Study

  • Knight et al. (2014) direct quote:

According to Knight et al. (2014), “The widespread implementation of mental health deinstitutionalization policies which took place in the 1970’s and 1980’s in California was not accompanied by structural housing plans for the uptake of mentally ill persons now residing in the community” (p. 257). 

B. Tentative Meaning:

This quote refers to the knee-jerk response of dumping people out of mental institutions without full consideration of the potential negative destabilizing mental and physical consequences (Knight et al., 2014).     

  • How this would specifically inform one recommendation for a social work practice with the homeless:

The social work best practice intervention approach is to support a client centered least risk sheltered environment that followed their deinstitutionalization (Knight et al., 2014). In the example on where the San Francisco homeless clients live, Knight et al.(2014), found this population resided: (a) on the street, (b) in an older single room occupancy (SRO), or newer SRO’s (Knight et al., 2014). Of the three living options, the best cost effective, adjusted for risk factors, that followed deinstitutionalization, is the newer publicly funded SRO (Knight et al., 2014). In the newer version of SRO’s, there is more privacy, longer retention, and improved quality of life   

  • Defined as a micro, mezzo, or macro level intervention:

According to Knight et al. (2014), this homeless problem and its answer are related to “…macro structural factors, mezzo-level social interactions of everyday living and micro-behavioral mental health management among tenants” (p. 560). Essentially, the answer here was to reduce the risk factors for this population through: (a) the efforts of the department of Housing and Urban Health with public funded older and newer (preferably newer) SRO’s; (b) improved social system ecological interactions, and (c) improved sense of emotional safety for their overall reduction of homelessness and victimization (knight et al., 2014).

II. Chosen ethnic practice recommendation:

  • For this discussion, using a Hispanic ethnic population, a social worker might consider generalizing the evidence-based intervention presented in the Knight et al. (2014) study, for its epidemiological how, what, and when of the newer SRO’s with the client focused lens  related to the degree of client assimilation (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015).   
  • Knight et al. (2014) concepts on solutions for the homeless, when generalized to the Hispanic ethnic population concepts proposed by Marsiglia & Booth (2015),

provided ecologically matched systems that frame the intervention from the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research (SIRC) Approach (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015). First, it follows the gold standard of a randomized clinical trial (RCT), but for ethical reasons this might be an alternative RCT comparative with sub systems (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015). Essentially, an evidence based practice, such as seen in the homeless intervention, but with a empirically supported intervention (ESI), that does not force accommodation, and is evidence-based as supported by a Keep it Real (KIR) evidence gathering pre-and post comparative process with group studies, that include: RCT, needs assessment, EBP, pilot testing, assessment (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015).   

  • Surface and deep cognitive motivation:

Surface elements related to the homeless example specific to Hispanic populations, might include the client basic needs for shelter, food, employment, socialization, and English Second Language ESL manuals (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015). Deep cognitive motivation, on the other hand, might be more related to cultural norms that could compromise the intervention (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015). For instance, fidelity verses cultural fit, in this case with Hispanic homeless populations; an etiology that one needs to be at a specific proximity to one’s theistic base (ie near a Catholic Parish) might be a challenge to the perfect fit, which might challenge an otherwise ideal home placement (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015).      

  • Affective motivation adaption:

According to Marsiglia & Booth (2015), “…social workers are encouraged to build relationships with research institutions that can help them systematically assess and adapt interventions, so that they can provide the most culturally competent services (p. 430).


Knight, K. R., Lopez, A. M., Comfort, M., Shumway, M., Cohen, J., & Riley, E. D. (2014). Single room occupancy (SRO) hotels as mental health risk environments among impoverished women: The intersection of policy, drug use, trauma, and urban space. International Journal of Drug Policy, 25(3), 556-561.

Marsiglia, F.F. & Booth, J.M. (2015). Cultural adaptations of interventions in real practice settings. Research on Social Work Practice, 25(4), 423-432.

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