Unit 5 Prison Issues and Concerns – Criminals Paper

A minimum of 1,300 words required for the total assignment and there must be three scholarly sources. The references does not count towards word count!

Prison Issues and Concerns (On-the-job Decision Making – What inmates need to know to work their way out of supermax prison.)

1. Case Summary

In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented.

2. Case Analysis

What types of inmates are housed in supermax prisons? For what type of inmates is supermax housing not designed?

3. Case Analysis

What impact does long-term solitary confinement have on inmates? What impact does working in a supermax facility have on staff?

4. Executive Decisions

Assume your state is planning a supermax prison. What will you propose as opportunities for inmates to demonstrate positive behavior to work their way out?

The Death Penalty
(On-the-job Decision Making – Should the cost of a capital trial be a factor in a prosecutor’s decision to seek the death penalty?)

5. Case Summary

In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented.

6. Case Analysis

What makes capital murder trials more expensive than other murder trials?

7. Case Analysis

Is there a point at which the economic consequence of an execution outweighs its value to the public? Explain

8. Executive Decisions

You are the prosecuting attorney in a rural county of 7,500 people in a southern state. A capital case is coming up for trial. Estimates of costs for the case begin at $500,000. How will you justify paying for the prosecution of the case?

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