What law should be implied?, assignment help

Project description
POSITION PAPER TEMPLATE: Write about 1400 words (or more if needed). Note that the list of texts for the debate designates some as background and the others as on one side or the other. In Part II and Part III, you must cover the two texts that are against your position NOT the background texts.

I.ARGUMENT SUMMARY: complete this after writing the paper, but put it first in your essay.
Summarize the strongest arguments you have made elsewhere in the paper in favor of your position and against the other side. Remember that this is a debate about what the law should be, so be sure to be clear how you are arguing about that question. You do not have to cite sources here because you will have cited them in the other parts of the paper. [You can use this for an opening statement in the debate if you make one.]

II.DISCUSSION AND CRITIQUE OF THE ARGUMENTS IN WHICHEVER OF THESE TEXTS IS ON THE OTHER SIDE IN YOUR DEBATE: R. Bork, Inconvenient Lives, Ellen Willis, Abortion Backlash: Women Lose, C. Cohen, Race Preference is Morally Wrong, Roger Wilkins, Racism has its Privileges.
A. Explain the main arguments against your position in this text.
B. Present your best arguments back against the arguments in A.

III.CRITIQUE OF THE ARGUMENT IN WHICHEVER OF THESE TEXTS IS ON THE OTHER SIDE IN YOUR DEBATE: Peter Kreeft, Human Personhood begins at Conception, Judith Thomson, A Defense of Abortion, Terence Pell, Racial Preferences and Formal Equality, General Motors, Legal Brief in Support of the University of Michigan Use of Race in Admissions. Present your best arguments back against the arguments in this text. (Note that since this text was explained in a class handout, you do not have to restate the argument, just argue against it.)

IV.PRESENTATION OF ANY OTHER ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR OF YOUR POSITION THAT YOU THINK WOULD BE HELPFUL. Here you can draw on assigned texts on your side of the debate and/or other sources. (See important specific instructions about citation and sources.)

A.As you look at the arguments against your position, what moral theory (or theories) covered in this class is (are) the closest match to the arguments? Explain.
B. As you look at the arguments in favor of your position, what moral theory or theories covered in this class is (are) the closest match to the arguments? Explain.

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