Xfinity Marketing Strategy And Digital Advertising Research Case Study

I have finished the questionnaires but I want help with writing the report.

Research Report Should Include:

1. Topic Identification .
2. (Background Research Summary (findings
a.(Cite all sources used (use reliable sources and a variety of sources
b.Be sure to briefly discuss why the research is relevant to your paper
3. Primary Research Summary .
a. Discuss method used and why chosen
b. Discuss questionnaire development, describe participants, discuss how research was conducted
c. (Discuss key findings and relevance of findings (analyze and interpret data
d. (Append questionnaire /guide, interview or focus group notes, etc. (see #7 below
4. Perceptual Map .
a. Discuss how map was derived and any implications for development of ads
5. Identify the issue or opportunity you are attempting to address with advertising .
6. Message idea sand how your research contributes to these ideas .
7. (References(cite within text and provide bibliography) / Appendix (questionnaire should be appended .

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