week 7 discussion stephen paye

  • Offer an additional strength or limitation of traditional policing.
  • Offer an additional strength or limitation of community-oriented policing.
  • Offer additional resources to support or refute your colleague’s position.

Respond to Stephen as if you’re having a conversation with him. A few sentences and a question

Typically, traditional policing involves police officers patrolling the community and answering to calls while locating crimes that already happened or are deemed to occur within the given community. Ideally, the officers would simply respond to the situations that have occurred or are developing thus making this to be purely reactive (Braga, Papa Christos & Hureau, 2014).

Police officer/s assumes a position of authority over community members and is solely responsible for maintaining peace within the community. On the other hand, community policing differs from traditional policing in that, it is both reactive and proactive. It involves the collaboration of police officers and community members to share the responsibility of maintaining peace within the community. Additionally, officers in this given model are less authoritative over community members with the main goal of serving the community rather than controlling it.

The two models of policing come with their benefits and limitations which determine their appropriateness in solving various problems with the community. Community policing for starters benefits the community by reducing fear among citizens due to an increase in police presence in the neighborhood, which ideally helps police gain trust from the community (Schaefer, 2010).

At the same time, community policing is flexible hence, its strategies can change to help solve a community problem effectively. One major limitation of community policing is linked to trust from the community in the sense that, with no trust, any program by community policing will not succeed. Likewise, traditional policing has limited benefits accrued to its reactive nature, which does not require community trust to handle situations. It is the most common model used by policing that utilizes specialized units to handle various crimes and solve problems. However, its main disadvantage is that it produces fewer solutions to the problems and does not guarantee the elimination of the problem. Its reactive nature likewise leaves a gap for an unexpected incident to occur that can injure the community concerned.

With regards to addressing specific issues such as street gangs and meeting the multicultural needs of the community, both types of policing models serve a better purpose. However, since an issue like street gangs requires long-term results, the advantages of community policing make this type of model to be the most effective approach. Even though traditional policing would eliminate street gangs for a shorter course, it does fully meet the needs of the multicultural community and hence utilizing community policing would be appropriate. Having established trust within the community, the police and community members can work together and uproot the specific people driving street gangs in the community and thereby a long-term solution would be met.


Braga, A. A., Papachristos, A. V., & Hureau, D. M. (2014). The effects of hot spots policing on crime: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Justice quarterly, 31(4), 633-663.

Schaefer Morabito, M. (2010). Understanding community policing as an innovation: Patterns of adoption. Crime & Delinquency, 56(4), 564-587.

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